The Resulting Area Of Kapulaga In Indonesia That Reaches The Global Market
YOGYAKARTA Kakalaga is one of the spices obtained from ginger-jahean plants [Zingiberaceae]. For a long time, the cardamom has been used, not only as a cooking spice but as a material for treating herbs, aromas of therapy, and other industrial needs. Its great potential makes the cardamom much sought after. In Indonesia, there are many capulaga-producing areas. Then where are these areas?
In data on the Production of Biofarmaka Plants According to Provinces and Types of Plants from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), updated in February 2023, there are several provinces that are able to produce large numbers of capulaga.
Based on BPS data, the production of cardamom in West Java reached 89,100,606 kg. This figure is indeed quite large considering that the people of West Java rely a lot on cardamom as a cooking spice.
Several areas in West Java that produce cardamom such as Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, and Pangandaran regencies.
Central Java Province is also a contributor to the production of the national cardamom. The total production of the Central Java cardamom reached 26,567,610 kg. One of the regions in Central Java that produces the cardamom is Magelang. In fact, the Kapulaga Magelang is very popular and popular with foreign countries.
Currently, the spices are one of the export spices that the Ministry of Trade relies on for export.
North Sumatra is also known as a capulaga-producing province with a figure of 3,170,737 kg. The North Sumatra population is also one of the spices sent abroad. Based on data from the Belawan Agricultural Quarantine Center (BBKP), in 2020 the province successfully sent a capulaga worth Rp12 billion.
The villages produced by North Sumatra were sent to several countries, two of which were China and Thailand. Even the exports of spices in the two countries are increasing.
Apart from North Sumatra, West Sumatra is also included in the ranks of the capulaga-producing region in Indonesia. The number of capulaga that has been successfully produced has reached 3,150,983 kg.
It should be noted that in West Sumatra, the cardamom was successfully produced, one of which was in South Solok. This area is known as an agricultural area. There are many agricultural products that have been successfully produced, one of which is the cardamom.
East Java contributed to the national cardamom, which according to BPS records, the total spice production reached 2,141,407 Kg. There are several areas in East Java that produce cardamom, one of which is Lumajang. The head of the Lumajang population has successfully penetrated the international market, namely to China. Currently, Kapulaga is one of the leading regional products owned by Lumajang.
Lumajang juga menjadi penyedia kakulaga tertinggi di Jawa Timur. Selain Lumajang ada pula Malang dan Trenggalek.
Those are some of the capulaga-producing regions in Indonesia. Visit to get other interesting information.