The Status Of Mother Of One Child Is Not A Barrier To Keisha Cinantya Having A Dream With HIVI!

JAKARTA - Keisha Cinantya, who is usually called Kei, has been officially announced as the new vocalist for HIVI!. He will fill the position left by Neida Aleida since last October.

Kei said the new journey with HIVI! is a great opportunity in his music career. Even though he is already married, with a young child, he ensures his dream as a singer will continue.

"This is a very good opportunity for me, because as a mother, I can still make things happen," Kei said in his statement, Wednesday, January 8.

"In my opinion, being a mother does not mean having to stop chasing dreams. In fact, our dreams become more meaningful because there is a little one who looks at our struggles," he continued.

Meanwhile, Febrian Nindyo (guitar) ensures that HIVI! with Kei is a new era that has been agreed upon.

Kei will undergo a maximum proportional period of six months to build chemistry with the group, before launching a new work together.

This selection process involves an internal and external team that considers various aspects, including vocal character and the ability to work together. We believe Kei brings new energy to the next era," concluded Febri.