4 Productive Fruits To Prevent Cancer
JAKARTA - You may already know that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is very good for health. However, when undergoing cancer treatment or trying to prevent cancer from recurring, certain types of fruit may be more beneficial than others.
Research on fruit and cancer is not perfect. Not many studies have been conducted, and the results are often inconsistent. No food, including a single type of fruit, can prevent or fight cancer completely.
However, certain types of fruit may have symptoms against cancer. In addition, certain fruits can help overcome the side effects of cancer treatment.
Some fruits contain the nutrients needed during cancer treatment. Here are the fruits that are efficacious in preventing cancer, as reported by VOI from the WebMD page on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
1. Oranges
Oranges, such as Balinese and oranges, may play a role in preventing certain types of cancer. A large study in Japan found that people who eat fruit or orange juice 3-4 times a week have a lower risk of developing cancer than those who consume it 2 times or less a week.
Although the results of the study are not yet entirely clear, oranges may help prevent several types of cancer, such as: - digestive tract cancer, such as colon cancer. - Respiratory tract cancer, such as lung cancer. - pancreatic cancer. - Prostate cancer. - Cancer of the breast. - Nasopharypharyngeal cancer, type of head and neck cancer. - Melanoma kutaneus, type of skin cancer.
2. Apple
A meta-analytic (study that combines many previous studies) shows that apples are related to reduced risk of cancer, especially lung cancer. Apples can also help protect against breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and other digestive tract cancer.
Other studies have found that eating white fruit and vegetables, such as apples, pries, mushrooms, and onions, can help protect against colorectal cancer. Apples and pirings are considered 'white' because of the fruit meat.
The benefits of apples may come from the two substances they contain, namely polysakaride (carb types) and quercetin (plant segments). Both can help fight cancer cells.
3. Serba Hijau Fruit
Green fruit may help protect against colorectal cancer, according to the same study of white fruit and vegetables. Green fruit includes, kiwi, melon, and green wine.
Other studies have also shown that kiwi can help prevent cancer, in part because of its antioxidant content and its ability to maintain gut health.
4. Dry fruit
Dry fruit such as prune and fire can be a healthy choice. Research shows eating dried fruit regularly can help prevent some types of cancer. Dry fruit can also help prevent severe cancer.
Consuming three to five servings of dried fruit per week can help prevent polyp collorectal (growth in the large intestine that is not cancerous but can turn into cancer), prostate cancer, creatic cancer, and stomach cancer.