5 Mistakes In Understanding Inflammatory Or Inflammatory
YOGYAKARTA Inflammatory or inflammatory is understood to be related to chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes. But there are many errors in understanding the condition of this body. The following is a list of errors in understanding inflammation or inflammation and understanding must be straightened out to undergo healthier habits.
It is true that you understand a body condition and recognize the problem to address it appropriately. The misunderstanding of inflammation refers to the standard definition. That inflammation is in response to injury, allergies, or infection. The trigger for this response causes redness, warmth, pain, swelling, and limited function.
Furthermore, there is more than one type of inflammation. First, inflammation or acute inflammation that appears suddenly for days to weeks. Then inflammation subsides after the cause is under control. Acute inflammation can be caused by injury or infection, and this is a body reaction in seeking health recovery in the affected areas.
Second, chronic inflammation that can develop for no apparent medical reason, lasts a lifetime, and causes damage instead of healing. This type of chronic inflammatory is often associated with chronic diseases. Such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes, certain infections such as hepatitis C, autoimmune disease, cancer, and stress both psychologically and physically.
The cells involved in the two types of inflammation above are part of the body's immune system. Because each cell has its own role, including attacking foreign attackers, creating antibodies, and throwing dead cells away. So, inflammation or inflammation occurs depending on the duration, location, and cause of the problem. Inemune cells, such as lymphocytes, neutrophils, and macrophages, invade foreign attackers and create inflammation.
In a number of chronic diseases, associated with inflammation or inflammation. In many cases, controlling inflammation is an important part of treatment. Sure enough, uncontrolled inflammation contributes to long-term health problems.
But inflammation is not the direct cause of most chronic problems, reported Harvard Health, Wednesday, January 8. For example, inflammation of blood vessels occurs with atheroclerosis. It is not really known whether chronic inflammation causes these conditions or other factors that cause them. Such as high cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking.
Not all chronic diseases have symptoms of inflammation or inflammation. For example in people with rheumatoids. They experience inflammation due to feeling pain, swelling, and stiffness. However, the types of inflammation seen in aubesity, diabetes, or other cardiovascular disease, do not cause special symptoms. Of course, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, and other symptoms are sometimes associated with inflammation. However, many people experience these symptoms without inflammation.
Effective care usually targets the cause of inflammation, not suppressing inflammation itself. So you could say that chronic inflammation is the cause. Therefore, it does not always control chronic inflammation to eliminate most chronic diseases. For example, someone with a reutatoid may take steroids or other anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce symptoms. However, to avoid permanent joint damage, they also take drugs such as methotrexate to treat fundamental conditions that cause inflammation.
While it's true we need to eat healthy on a diet. But it's unclear whether it's useful to reduce inflammation. It's true that diets and eating healthy foods improve health. But reducing inflammation is just one of the many mechanisms that might be taken.
In addition to correcting errors in understanding inflammation or inflammation, it is also necessary to understand that inflammation is not the only criminal that takes life. Inflammation is complicated and easing inflammation will make one unable to provide an effective response to infection, allergen, poison, or injury. So, acute inflammation is the body's natural response. But inflammation on the other hand also triggers its own problems when it is out of control. So it is very important to address or treat the causes of inflammation or inflammation and consume healthy food is one way to reduce the risk.