Electra Dolphin Stranded On Tembles Jembrana Beach, Officers Attempt To Evacuate To The Sea
JEMBRANA - A Electra Dolphin was found stranded on the beach in Banjar Tembles, Penyaringan Village, Mendoyo District, Jembarana Regency, Bali.
The Electra Dolphin measuring about two meters was still alive when it was found beached.
"We just got the photo at 10.00. The information was still alive when it was found", said Permana Yudiarso, Head of the Coastal and Marine Resources Management Agency Denpasar, Bali, when contacted, Friday, April 16.
He explained, when stranded he was still breathing. At that time the officers tried to be pushed back into the sea but were unsuccessful.
To determine why the Electra Dolphin were stranded, a necropsy test should be carried out. Several factors cause stranding Electra Dolphin ranging from weather, illness, or due to sonar disturbances in whales.
"I cannot confirm yet. Many suspicions could be due to weather, disease, or sonar disturbances", said Yudiarso.
"And the efforts that have been made to lead to the sea. The team of doctors will join the location to examine with the Coastal and Marine Resources Management Agency Denpasar", said Yudiarso.