Coordinating Minister Zulhas Says There Are No Imported Food Products In The Free Nutrition Eating Program, Except For Milk
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs (Menko Pangan) Zulkifli Hasan said there were no imported food products for the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program.
However, he said, specifically for the fulfillment of milk, it came from imports.
"Yes, everyone is trying from within the country," he said at a press conference at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Food, Jakarta, Monday, January 6.
The man who is familiarly called Zulhas added that the milk menu in the MBG program is not provided every day.
"Susu is certain, not every day (there is). Yes, milk does have imports. But as usual," he said.
He said the determination of the menu for the MBG program was also adjusted to food production in each region.
For example, in the Lampung area, he said, it would use more fish menus.
"Others are adapted to food in the regions. For example, in my place, in Lampung people like to eat fish," he said.
"Tempe-ketahu orang Lampung mungkin nomor dua. Tapi di Jawa mungkin orang perlu egg, tempe, dan tahu. Tapi kalau di Kalimantan mungkin perlu diperlihat lagi," sambungnya.