5 Reasons Why Pregnant Women Are Often Bitten By Mosquitoes, There Is A Scientific Explanation
YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever heard that pregnant women tend to be bitten by mosquitoes more often than other people? This phenomenon is not just a myth. There are several scientific factors that explain why pregnant women are often bitten by mosquitoes.
The reason why pregnant women are the favorite targets of mosquitoes needs to be understood by every pregnant woman. That way, pregnant women can be more vigilant and take steps to protect themselves from mosquito bites. If it is not prevented or handled, mosquito bites are at risk of transmitting various diseases.
Let us understand why pregnant women are often bitten by mosquitoes and tips to protect against mosquito bites.
Here are some reasons that explain why pregnant women are often the target of mosquito bites:
One of the main reasons why pregnant women are more often bitten by mosquitoes is because their body temperature tends to be higher. During pregnancy, the body's metabolism increases to support fetal development which produces more heat.
This higher body temperature can attract the attention of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes, including mosquitoes, tend to detect prey through body heat. That is why pregnant women are often targeted by mosquitoes.
Another reason why pregnant women are often bitten by mosquitoes is that they can also be caused by the production of more carbon dioxide. Pregnant women also emit more carbon dioxide (CO2) than people who are not pregnant.
This happens because the need for oxygen increases during pregnancy, so that the respiratory process becomes more active. Mosquitoes have the ability to detect carbon dioxide from a distance enough, so that pregnant women become more attractive to them.
During pregnancy, blood volume in the mother's body increases significantly to meet the fetal needs. This increase in blood circulation causes the skin to become slightly warmer and produces more certain chemical compounds that mosquitoes can detect, such as lactic acid and ammonia.
Hormonic changes during pregnancy can also affect the body's smell of pregnant women. Hormones such as estrogen and progesteron that increase during pregnancy can cause the body to produce certain chemical compounds that attract the attention of mosquitoes.
Pregnant women tend to feel hotter and may wear clothes that are more open to feeling comfortable. This allows more exposed skin areas which in turn provide mosquitoes with more opportunities to bite.
Mosquito bites are not just small disturbances for pregnant women. Mosquitoes can carry various serious diseases, such as dengue fever, malaria, and the Zika virus, which can endanger mothers and fetuses. Therefore, it is very important for pregnant women to take preventive measures.
Here are some tips for pregnant women to protect themselves from mosquito bites:
That's a review of why pregnant women are often bitten by mosquitoes based on scientific explanations. Pregnant women are more often bitten by mosquitoes because of several factors, such as increased body temperature, more carbon dioxide production, body odor changes, and increased blood circulation. Also read 5 sports to facilitate childbirth.
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