Deputy Minister Fahri Hamzah Responds To The Proposal To Get RT-RW To Build A House: According To The Concept Of Mutual Cooperation
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) Fahri Hamzah welcomed the proposed construction of community-based houses. According to him, this proposal matches the concept of mutual cooperation that the government carries for the construction of houses.
The community-based house construction proposal was submitted by the Indonesian Urban Housing and Development Assessment Institute (LP P3I) or better known as The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Institute Indonesia.
"For this reason, what if the state structure entities at the lower level such as the Neighborhood Association (RT) and the Citizens Association (RW) can function into the community's economic group, including for community-based housing development. This is in accordance with the concept of mutual cooperation," said Fahri in a statement, Saturday, January 4.
The presence of RT and RW in each region can function as companions in the construction or repair of livable houses, complete with sanitation and waste management.
"Especially in villages that already have many houses, but are not yet livable because they are not equipped with sanitation. For this reason, the increase in houses to healthy housing in villages is part of the Three Million Houses Program," he explained.
Fahri emphasized that the Ministry of PKP is always open with various proposals to formulate the provision of decent housing for the people.
"The money is that we will arrange comprehensive rules, so that this can be an innovation from President Prabowo to the people that the way to get housing deserves to be open," he said.
Meanwhile, the Board of Experts at HUD Encep R. Marsadi said community-based housing was initiated and born by paying attention to how big the role of the community in providing housing.
"It can even be said that houses built independently by the community are the largest contributors to the provision of national housing, which is around 82.68 percent according to BPS 2022 data. When compared to housing built by the private sector at 10-17 percent and those built by the government at 5-10 percent," he said.
However, with this large percentage figure, Encep assessed, there are many houses that do not meet technical criteria such as inadequate houses, located in illegal areas and slum areas and are not equipped with sanitation.
"Therefore, assistance is needed for the community from the government," said Enep.
EEncep also said that community-based housing was already running and was successfully implemented. One of them is the Housing of the Rawa Buffalo Farmers Community in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra
"The concept is that land is provided by people who are members of the community and villages, the development is assisted by the government through the BSPS program," he concluded.