Commission VII DPR Asks The Government To Be Wise In Eliminating MSME Debt Of IDR 14 Trillion: Must Stay Educated
Chairman of Commission VII DPR Saleh Partaonan Daulay asked the government to be wise in implementing debt elimination programs for one million micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), because the amount of debt to be removed is very large, reaching Rp. 14 trillion.
Even though this program is very good, Saleh asked the government to remain cautious in the midst of uncertain transnational economic situations and conditions. The MSME debt that will be removed is a debt in the state-owned bank.
"He said there are 67,000 MSMEs that have been recorded. Everything will be deleted by debt," Saleh said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, January 4.
He said there are several things that need to be considered in carrying out the program. The first is that there must be factual verification on all MSMEs whose debts are to be deleted. Everything must meet the criteria and requirements set by the government.
"Even if the debt is deleted, you must continue to educate. Do not let these MSME entrepreneurs even give up by running away to the debt elimination program," he continued.
Second, according to Saleh, the government must provide alternative solutions for these MSME entrepreneurs to continue their business. This is because the principle of eliminating debt is not to stop trying, but to rise and develop in a healthy manner to build the community's economy.
Third, the government must conduct an in-depth study regarding the possibility of these MSME entrepreneurs getting more capital. The challenge is certainly not easy, because of the large number of types of businesses developed in MSMEs.
"We need to study where the capital source for this MSME is. Is it still from the state-owned bank? If so, do they get more capital assistance? Even if they get more, what about new MSME entrepreneurs? They should also have rights," he said.
Therefore, according to Saleh, the government must be careful in implementing this debt elimination program so that it is always within the corridors of the constitution and the Pancasila economy.