The Bentung Palembang Toll Road Is Targeted To Be Completed In 2026
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works (PU) together with the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) PT Hutama Karya (Persero) are pushing for the acceleration of the completion of the Palembang 'Betung Toll Road in South Sumatra Province. This is part of the Trans Sumatra Toll Network (JTTS).
Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Miftachul Munir said the Palembang 'Betung Toll Road is part of the 111.6 kilometer Bentung Kayu Agung Toll Road which is currently operating, namely Sections 1 and 2A from Kayu Agung to Kramasan along 42.5 kilometers.
"The 69.19 kilometer PATung Palembang Toll Road is currently in the construction completion stage, which is part of the connectivity of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) which will also be connected from Lampung to Aceh," Munir said as quoted from the official BPJT website, Saturday, January 4.
The Palembang 'Betung Toll Road is divided into 3 Sections of work, namely, Section I Palembang 'Rengas (21.5 kilometers), Section II Rengas' Pangkalan Balai (33 kilometers) and Section III Pangkalan Balai 'Betung (14.69 kilometers).
It is targeted that the completion of the construction Section 1 to the second quarter of 2026, then section 2 in the third quarter of 2025. Then, for Section 3 it is targeted that the construction will be completed in the first quarter of 2026.
"The presence of this toll road will also provide convenience in distributing logistics, agricultural products such as rubber, palm oil and other superior commodities of Sumatra will be smoother," said Munir.
Later, the toll road connecting Palembang City with Betung can cut the travel time between regions from the previous 3.5 hours to 1 hour.
This toll road will have two Toll Gates (GT), namely GT Rengas and GT Pangkalan Balai and has two Interchanges (SS), namely SS Gandus and SS Pulau Rimo.
Meanwhile, Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary Hutama Karya Adjib Al Hakim added that his party will not only ensure that development runs according to the target, but also has a positive impact on the surrounding community.
The presence of this toll road is believed to increase logistics efficiency and accelerate the growth of the surrounding economy.
"After this toll road is fully connected, it will be connected directly to the Betung 'Tempino' Jambi section, so that it will open new connectivity from Palembang to Jambi, in order to strengthen transportation networks and open up new economic opportunities that will continue to grow on the island of Sumatra," he said.