The Fate Of FPI Is In The Hands Of Minister Of Religion Fachrul Razi

JAKARTA - The government has not extended the registered certificate (SKT) of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) community organization. The government needs to wait for further studies and recommendations from the Minister of Religion Fahcrul Razi.

"It was concluded that the FPI has submitted a request to extend the registered certificate and it turns out that there are still things that need to be explored. The Minister of Religion will later study it and conduct a deeper discussion," said Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD. .

This decision was the result of the Limited Coordination Meeting (Rakortas) of him with the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian and the Minister of Religion (Menag) Fachrul Razi, Wednesday, November 27.

He explained that every Indonesian citizen has the right to assemble and associate. Likewise with FPI. However, the state has the authority to regulate it according to existing regulations.

Meanwhile, Fachrur Razi explained that FPI had added a statement on the seal which stated that they would be loyal to Pancasila and NKRI and would not violate any laws in the future. However, Kemenag needs to conduct an in-depth study of FPI's behavior.

"We will try to explore it further according to his statement, the statement was made with a stamp and we will investigate it again in the near future," he explained.

The FPI SKT registered in SKT 01-00-00 / 010 / D.III.4 / VI / 2014 has expired since June 20. They have indeed submitted proposals for SKT extension, since the position of Minister of Home Affairs is still held by PDIP politician Tjahjo Kumolo. However, SKT was never granted because they did not immediately complete the 20 administrative requirements.