Discourse On The Axis Of The Islamic Party Emerged, Zulkifli Hasan: Counterproductive With National Reconciliation
JAKARTA - Chairman of PAN Zulkifli Hasan admitted that he did not agree with the discourse on the formation of an Islamic party axis for the 2024 General Election as has emerged in recent days. He considered the discourse against national reconciliation efforts.
"This discourse is actually counter-productive with our efforts to carry out national reconciliation, strengthen and strengthen our unity and integrity as a nation and state", said Zulkifli in his statement, Friday, April 16.
The former chairman of the MPR (People's Consultative Assembly) is worried that the formation of an Islamic axis will actually re-build the tensions of identity politics that occurred in the 2019 presidential election.
"It is still clear in our memory that the 2019 Presidential Election uses SARA sentiment and political ideology, identity politics. The pain and trauma caused by the tension and attraction are still felt. The people were still divided, although the elite quickly united. The proof is that the presidential and vice-presidential candidates who are the opponents of the winning pairs have now joined", said Zulhas.
According to him, now all parties should think together to realize the idea of equality and formulate the idea of sovereignty.
"How can we have a clean government, fair laws, and equal economy, no longer depend on imports of food from other countries, strengthen our military and defense", said the deputy chairman of the MPR.
Moreover, he continued, PAN wants Islamic teachings to be translated into life in Indonesia. Where the idea of Islam is substantial and middle (wasathiyah).
"The teachings of Islam are translated into various dimensions of life. The idea of Islam is Rahmatan Lil Alamin (A form of Allah SWT's Mercy for the Universe). In the Buya Hamka language, Islam is salt, not lipstick Islam", said Zulhas.
Previously, the discourse on the formation of an Islamic party axis originated from a meeting of PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu and PPP Chairman Suharso Monoarfa meeting at the PKS DPP, TB Simatupang Street, South Jakarta, Wednesday, April 14.
In that meeting, the two of them opened the opportunity to form a coalition for the 2024 elections.