The Root Of Rice Problems In The Country, Less Modern Milling Equipment To Imports

JAKARTA - The government must resolve rice problems in the country from upstream to downstream. Because, if it is not resolved from the root of the problem, it will not be finished. One thing that needs to be improved is the less modern means of extracting rice.

Former President Director of Perum Bulog (Indonesia's National Food Logistics Agency), as well as Head of Perdadi Sutarto Alimoeso, said that the rice problem in the country would not be resolved if the problem of rice milling was not resolved.

Therefore, he said, the government needed to solve the problems from upstream to downstream. Starting from policies issued by the government to their implementation in the field.

"For that, there is an important note from us that this rice problem will never be resolved without resolving problems related to rice milling", he said in a webinar of the Center for Food Agricultural Studies and Advocacy (Pataka) on National Food Security which was monitored in Jakarta, Thursday, April 15th.

Currently, he said, the problem in rice removal is the need to revitalize small rice mills. This is because the number of small rice mills is higher, namely 94 percent of the total existing rice mills.

"This revitalization starts from how we need a drying machine. Then we replace and add modern equipment for small rice mills", he said.

Sutarto suggested that the government support small grinders to revitalize their equipment with a credit scheme. He said that way the quality of rice would improve.

"Because they are MSMEs, our proposal is easy and cheap credit. If subsidized by the government with around a maximum credit platform of IDR 2.5 billion, we will be able to improve the performance of rice mills and later be able to improve rice as government rice reserves by adequate quality", he said.

Rice imports have lowered domestic prices

Not only rice milling equipment said Sutarto, but the government's decision to prepare rice imports during the main harvest season also is not quite right. This is because it will have an impact on the decline in the domestic market price of rice.

"Prices of unhulled rice and rice will be depressed and tend to continue to fall", he said.

To that end, Sutarto asked the government to review the rice import decision to help farmers so that farmers can accept fair prices. So, farmers will remain enthusiastic about planting rice again in the following seasons.

Besides, the government needs to intensify the absorption of domestic grain and rice. Including, it needs to be done comprehensively. Review of ministerial regulations that need to be carried out, such as the highest retail price of rice, government purchase prices, and implementation of non-cash assistance.

"As well, reducing yields and efficiency. Then, the preparation of a national logistics system in food administration and management", he said.