Prediction Of Tourism Trends In 2025, Many New Things Will Be Liked By Tourists

JAKARTA - Entering the new year, new trends of tourism have emerged. Based on surveys and expert opinions, there are several tourist trends that will be of interest to the public in 2025, not only in Indonesia, but also in the world.

Launching from the Kemenparekraf website, on Thursday, January 2, 2025, tourist interest in 2025 is predicted to increase by 58.97 percent to cultural immersion or deep cultural experiences. This trend proves that tourists' interest is getting higher and there is a deep and authentic experience of local culture when traveling.

Health and wellness tourism will also be increasingly interested in 2025. This can be seen from 2024 that there has been an increase in interest in health tourism and fitness.

Tourists are starting to look at health, relaxation, personal well-being, some of the activities. Especially in the context of post-pandemic self-rescuity, where awareness of physical and mental health is increasing.

Not only that, interest in eco-tourism has also increased by 46.15 percent. This is an environmentally friendly tourism and is believed to be a relevant trend in the future.

Tourists are increasingly aware of environmental issues that encourage them to choose sustainable destinations and tourism activities. The results of a survey conducted by experts in 2023 and 2024 are also consistent regarding the trend of cultural tourism irrespondence, health and wellness tourism, and eco-tourism as the main focus.

In addition, experts also predict outdoor activities and adventures will become a trend that will emerge in 2025 and in the following years. Including star batteries or enjoying the view of the night sky filled with stars is one of the outdoor activities that will be increasingly popular with the public.