Sexologist Naek L Tobing Dies After Being Tested Positive For COVID-19

JAKARTA - The news of grief has returned to the medical world. The sex counselor who is also a sex psychiatrist, Dr. Naek L Tobing, SpKJ, reportedly died from contracting COVID-19.

This information was confirmed by the public relations of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), Dr. Halik Malik. According to him, Dr. Naek tested positive for COVID-19 based on the results of the swab carried out at Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP).

"The person concerned has undergone a swab examination and the result is positive for COVID-19," Halik told VOI, Monday, April 6.

However, Halik was reluctant to explain in detail since when Dr Naek was declared infected. It's just that, it was mentioned that this fellow of his profession was also known to have suffered from other diseases and died on Monday, April 6, at around 10:00 WIB.

With the death, Dr. Naek L Tobing added to the list of names of doctors who died as a result of contracting COVID-19. Based on available data, about 19 doctors became infected and eventually died.

For that, it was said, if IDI would trace all available data so that they could find out the factors that caused medical personnel to die when dealing with COVID-19.

"By tracing the causes or factors, anticipatory steps can be taken," said Halik.

For information, 19 doctors who died because they contracted COVID-19, namely;

1. Prof. DR. dr. Iwan Dwi Prahasto (GB FK UGM)

2. Prof. DR. dr. Bambang Sutrisna (GB FKM UI)

3. dr. Bartholomeus Bayu Satrio (IDI West Jakarta)

4. dr. Exsenveny Lalopua, M.Kes (Bandung City Health Office)

5. dr. Hadio Ali K, Sp.S (Perdossi DKI Jakarta, IDI South Jakarta)

6. dr. Djoko Judodjoko, Sp.B (IDI Bogor)

7. dr. Adi Mirsa Putra, Sp.THT-KL (IDI Bekasi)

8. dr. Laurentius Panggabean, Sp.KJ (RSJ dr. Soeharto Herdjan, IDI East Jakarta)

9. dr. Ucok Martin Sp. P (USU FK Lecturer, IDI Medan)

10. dr. Efrizal Syamsudin, MM (Prabumulih Hospital, South Sumatra, IDI Prabumulih Branch)

11. dr. Ratih Purwarini, MSi (IDI East Jakarta)

12. Laksma (ret) dr. Jeanne PMR Winaktu, SpBS at RSAL Mintohardjo. (IDI Central Jakarta)

13. Prof. Dr. dr. Nasrin Kodim, MPH (Professor of Epidemiology FKM UI)

14. Dr. Bernadetta Tuwsnakotta Sp ENT died in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo (IDI Makassar)

15. DR.Dr. Lukman Shebubakar SpOT (K) Died at the Friendship Hospital (IDI South Jakarta)

16. Dr Ketty at Medistra Hospital (IDI Tangsel)

17. Dr. Heru S. died at RSPP (IDI South Jakarta)

18. Dr. Wahyu Hidayat, SpTHT died at Pelni Hospital (IDI Bekasi District)

19. Dr. Naek L. Tobing, SpKJ died at RSPP Jakarta (IDI South Jakarta)