Pertamina Updates Non-Subsidized Fuel Prices Starting January 1, 2025

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) announced changes in fuel oil prices (BBM) for a number of certain areas, effective since January 1, 2025. This adjustment applies specifically to non-subsidized fuel.

According to information released through Pertamina's official website and quoted in Jakarta on Wednesday, this price change was carried out as a step to implement the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022.

The regulation is a revision of Kepmen No. 62 K/12/MEM/2020 regarding the basic price formula for calculating the retail selling price of general fuel types of gasoline and diesel at Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU).

In the Jabodetabek area, there has been a price change for several types of non-subsidized fuel. The price of Dexlite rose from Rp13,400 per liter to Rp13,600 per liter, while Pertamina Dex increased from Rp13,800 per liter to Rp13,900 per liter.

In addition, other non-subsidized fuel prices in the Jabodetabek area also experienced adjustments. Pertamax prices rose from Rp12,100 per liter to Rp12,500 per liter, Pertamax Turbo from Rp13,550 per liter to Rp13,700 per liter, and Pertamax Green 95 from Rp13,150 per liter to Rp13,400 per liter.

However, several types of fuel are still sold at the same price, such as Pertalite which is still at Rp. 10,000 per liter and subsidized Biosolar at a price of Rp. 6,800 per liter.