Unscrupulous Lecturer Suspected Of Perpetrator Of Same-sex Sexual Harassment, NTB Police Check 3 Victims

The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police examined three additional victims in the same-sex sexual harassment case allegedly committed by a university lecturer in Mataram City, with the initials LRR.

"So, if it is calculated by the reporter, the number of victims we have asked for this information is already four people. The other three are additional witnesses," said Director of General Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimum) of the NTB Police Kombes Syarif Hidayat in Mataram, NTB, Antara, Tuesday, December 31.

The four victims in this case had the initials GA, FA, RT, and AZ. Syarif said that there were four victims who were still students and alumni of students.

"Two people are still students and two others have graduated from college, alumni," he said.

Regarding the progress of handling the report, Syarif explained that the legal process is still ongoing at the investigation stage. Collection of information and field data is still ongoing.

"Finally, we have processed the TKP (scene of the case)," he said.

TKP investigation took place at the location of the reported group named Agresi in the Midang area, Gunungsari District, West Lombok Regency. For a request for information against the reported party, Syarif ensured that this took place after the request for witness testimony was complete.

"Until now, the reported party has not. After examining the witness, then collecting other evidence, we will then conduct an examination of the reported party," he said.

The NTB Regional Police are handling this case based on a report by one of the victims on December 26, 2024.

The victim who reported was an alumni student from the reported party. Meanwhile, the reported party in this case works as a lecturer who teaches at two universities in Mataram City.

In the report, the victim admitted to receiving sexual harassment behavior from the reported party in mid-September 2024 when there was an activity at the reported party.