AGO Explains Intelligence Achievements, Arrests 82 Fugitives During 2024

The Attorney General's Office (AGO) explained the achievements of intelligence in the field of operations and activities during the 2024 period. One of them was regarding the arrest of 82 fugitives.

"Then (the team) dissolved or arrested 82 fugitives (arrested)," said Head of the AGO, Harli Siregar, to reporters, Tuesday, December 31.

However, it was not clearly conveyed about the identities of the fugitives. Including the case involving them.

Harli only conveyed that the intelligence sector led by the Deputy Attorney General, Reda Mantovani, also carried out various activities through the task force or task force.

"The Task Force 53 carried out 21 activities, the Land Mafia Eradication Task Force had 222 activities, the Investment Acceleration Task Force 226 activities, the Reform and Innovation Intelligence Task Force or SIRI there were 84 activities, village guard prosecutors 2,907 activities," he said.

In addition, the intelligence sector also conducts legal counseling and lighting. Noted, as many as 7,644 activities have been carried out.

Not only that, there are also national and regional strategic project security activities. The number reaches thousands.

"Security of national strategic projects or PSN 89 PSN and 28 IKN projects. Security of regional strategic projects or PSD 3,028 activities," said Harli.