Riau Structure Island Has Strong Potential Cultural Tourism And History

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Tourism, Ni Luh Puspa, revealed that the Laker Island in Riau Islands Province has enormous cultural and historical tourism potential and unique attraction.

"The Stung Island has strong tourism potential, especially in the aspect of religious tourism and history. This needs to be driven by strengthening the story that is conveyed to tourists, so that their experience becomes more interesting," said Ni Luh.

Quoting ANTARA, Ni Luh visited several main tourist attractions on Scenter Island, such as the Sultan Riau Stung Mosque and the tomb complex of Engku Puteri Raja Hamidah, the Sultan Sultan Mahmud Riayat Syah, as well as the Sultan Riau, Lingga, Johor, and Pahang who ruled from 1784 to 1806.

He also stated that infrastructure on Penangkat Island has developed well, including piers and roads within the island. Ni Luh gave his appreciation to the Riau Islands Provincial Government for implementing the infrastructure rehabilitation program in this tourist destination.

"The road to tourist sites has gotten better. What needs to be considered next is how to maintain the cleanliness and neatness of these locations," he added.

However, Ni Luh also emphasized the importance of increasing cleanliness on Penangkatan Island. One of them is by increasing the number of public toilets and ensuring the availability of clean water in these facilities.

Hygiene is now the main concern of the Ministry of Tourism, which is committed to realizing quality and sustainable tourism and increasing the competitiveness of Indonesian tourist destinations.

"I also see waste management at TPS 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). The obstacle is that even though the equipment is already there, the engine is not functioning properly due to a lack of electrical power. This needs mutual attention, including support from the central government," said Ni Luh.

The Ministry of Tourism also plans to launch a Clean Tourism Movement, which aims to improve cleanliness in tourist destinations. This movement will involve various parties, ranging from relevant ministries and institutions to the community.

Ni Luh explained that the ministry will play a role in the orchestration of this movement by providing stimulus so that the movement can increase the competitiveness of tourist destinations to the fullest.

Plt. Deputy for Destination Development and Infrastructure of the Ministry of Tourism, Hariyanto, revealed that the Clean Tourism Movement will be a national initiative involving various strategic partners, including ministries/agencies as well as the industrial sector through the CSR program or PKBL BUMN.

"In the launch of this program, there will be a joint statement from all parties supporting the clean tourism movement," said Hariyanto.