Grief News From Padang, Three Elementary School Students Die, Hit By AKAP Bus

JAKARTA - An intercity inter-provincial bus accident (AKAP) Gumarang Jaya on Padang Panjang-Solok Public Road, Tanah Datar, West Sumatra, killed three elementary school students.

"The car is thought to have lost control and then hit five students, three of whom died", said Head of the Padang Panjang City Police Traffic Unit, AKP Dedi Antonis, contacted from Padang, Thursday.

The accident occurred in Tanah Datar Regency, but the legal area was included in the Padang Panjang Police, so the legal process was carried out there.

Dedi said the two other students who were victims of the deadly accident were hospitalized because they were injured.

The driver of the Gumarang Jaya bus, known as Romi Julianto (38), has been arrested by the police along with an assistant driver.

"We have secured the driver for further processing. We have also asked witnesses for statements in the field", he also said.

The incident started when the Gumarang Jaya Bus with police number BE 7320 CU came from the direction of Padang heading to Solok.

At that time the bus was found to be carrying nine passengers on board and was accompanied by another AKAP bus in front of it.

When he arrived at the location of the incident, namely Padang Panjang-Solok Public Street, Jorong Baringin, Pitalah, Tanah Datar at around 10:00 WIB, the bus in front was suspected of having braked suddenly.

As a result, the driver of the Gumarang Jaya Bus swerved to the right side of the road and hit five victims who were on the sidewalk.

"We have examined and processed the crime scene, evidence and the driver has also been secured", said Dedi Antonis.