Puan Asks The Government To Mitigate And Prevent Indonesian TIPs

JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, highlighted the recent cases of the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO) against Indonesian citizens.

Puan also asked the government to take preventive steps and carry out mitigation and prevention so that there are no more Indonesian citizens who become victims of TIP.

"The TIP cases of Indonesian citizens are like icebergs where many cases are not revealed. I ask the Government to evaluate to find the root of the problem and encourage preventive measures so that similar incidents do not happen again," said Puan Maharani, quoted on Tuesday, December 31.

To note, recently the TIP case resurfaced after a resident of Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands named Agung Heryadi admitted that he was sold and forced to work in Cambodia after being promised a job in Malaysia. Not only being held captive, Agus' passport was also detained, and he had to pay a big fine if he wanted to return to Indonesia.

Agus' case adds to the long list of problems with Indonesian workers abroad. The incident also reminded again the many problems related to the placement of foreign workers non-procedurally due to the lure of large salaries.

According to Puan, Agus' case shows how vulnerable Indonesian migrant workers are to detrimental illegal practices. He hopes that the Government can more seriously solve the TIP problem against Indonesian citizens who work abroad.

"Many Indonesian citizens have been tempted by the lure of big salaries but are actually trapped in an exploitation situation. This is a homework (PR) for the government," said Puan.

"Moreover, currently there is the Ministry of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers (KemenP2MI). The problem of Indonesian citizens being victims of TIP has increased, so it is very important to create a special program to overcome the problems of TIP Indonesian citizens," continued the Central Java electoral district legislator.

Puan also emphasized the importance of monitoring illegal PMI distribution activities, especially to countries known as online gambling basecamps. Our unrecorded number of Indonesian citizens in Cambodia shows an urgent need to increase supervision and protection for migrant workers," said Puan.

On the other hand, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture warned the government to increase supervision of labor placement agents to prevent illegal practices and exploitation. Puan also assessed the need to increase strict law enforcement efforts against human trafficking actors.

"No less important, education programs about the risk of working abroad must be strengthened. People need to be given information on how to report suspicious job offers and understand their rights as migrant workers," he explained.

Puan said the TIP case was a cross-border problem so that international cooperation was needed between Indonesia and countries to handle this problem comprehensively. Including the exchange of information and joint actions to eradicate human trafficking networks.

"We have to find a solution from upstream to downstream in dealing with this problem. More massive education to the public about the risk of working abroad is very important. Don't be tempted by high salaries without clarity," explained Puan.

Bung Karno's grandson also encouraged the government to strengthen international cooperation in fighting cases of human trafficking. Puan said the DPR also continues to oversee this issue through parliamentary diplomacy.

"Through parliamentary diplomacy and cooperation with other countries, a more effective solution is expected. And of course stricter precautions must also be considered. So there must be clear mitigation, especially for supervision and countermeasures when there is a TIP," said Puan.

Previously, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) revealed that tens of thousands of Indonesian citizens (WNI) did not report their presence in Cambodia because they were suspected of working in the online gambling sector.

Cambodian Immigration noted that 89,000 Indonesian citizens received residence permits, while only 17,000 Indonesian citizens reported to the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh to work in Cambodia.

Apart from Cambodia, Vietnam has also become a country with the problem of TIP Indonesian citizens following the lure of a large salary but ending in confinement to torture.