A Point Of Trump's Hope To Reduce The Number Of COVID-19 Patients In America

JAKARTA - The United States is now in first place, in the number of COVID-19 positive patients outside China. There were 337,274 recorded cases of COVID-19, 9,619 were reported dead and 17,977 were successfully cured.

The high number of cases of this virus has occurred in just a matter of days, since the corona virus was identified on America's East Coast. Not to mention the hospital which is now overcrowded with patients who complain of various symptoms of COVID-19.

During the emergency response period, US President Donald Trump believed that the COVID-19 crisis would end soon. "We are starting to see light from the end of the tunnel. We are starting to see a glimmer of progress," Trump said.

Trump described a decrease in the number of patient infections and deaths caused by COVID-19 in the US. He believed this after asking his citizens to practice social distancing measures to reduce the spread of the corona virus.

Even so, Trump cannot avoid that there will be more deaths as the pandemic approaches its "peak" in the US. Based on data presented by Johns Hopkins University, this 'Uncle Sam' country recorded more than 1,200 victims who died in the last 24 hours.

"In the next few days, America will bear the peak of this pandemic," said the 73-year-old President, saying that currently his party had received the results of corona virus tests from around 1.67 million people throughout the country.

Medical Personnel Restlessness in Hospital

On the other hand, many Emergency Units (UGD) are overwhelmed because of the booming number of corona positive patients. Launching from an exclusive CNN report, showed that there was a decrease in the number of patients who came to the ER at the University Hospital of Brooklyn, New York, before the COVID-19 virus broke out.

Most likely, this is because most states in the US have now implemented shelter-in-place (staying at home) rules. Even so, the number of critical patients due to COVID-19 continues to increase along with the increasing number of victims who are hospitalized.

Even doctors and nurses on duty from general practice are getting overwhelmed, because they have to deal with COVID-19 patients. This situation makes doctors and nurses no longer have time to rest to just rest.

This condition is exacerbated by the number of victims who die increasing every hour. In at least 30 minutes, doctors must be ready to evacuate or sterilize the room and medical equipment before treating the next patient.

Approximately 400 people must receive COVID-19 treatment at the hospital. 90 percent of them are elderly patients, aged over 65 years.

"We also have some young patients in their 20s. Obviously we are not used to seeing this and some people stare a thousand miles, just crying," said Lorenzo Paladino, emergency doctor at the University Hospital of Brooklyn, told CNN.

Doctors, nurses, therapists and hospital staff must remain calm while fighting to save patients' lives. They were forced to stay awake, every time "Code 99" was announced on the hospital speakers.

If they hear the announcement, they must immediately rush to deal with COVID-19 patients who are critically ill. Usually the patient's condition gets worse when they have to struggle to breathe, even on a ventilator.

But a ventilator is not a magic machine that can cure COVID-19 patients. Data shows that the chances of survival for COVID-19 patients using this tool are still low.

"It's meant to be a temporary bridge for hours, 12 hours, until the hospital can give us more ventilators or until supplies arrive," said doctor Paladino at Broklyn Hospital.

Not to mention the number of ventilators that are not comparable to critical COVID-19 patients. "We are worried, what if the day comes when we don't have enough ventilators. We don't want to make a decision between two patients who deserve a ventilator or determine it with a coin," he said.