Villa In Batu City Collapses, 6 People Are Treated At Home

A total of six people had to undergo treatment at the hospital due to the collapse of a villa building unit in the Villa Manzara area, Oro-oro Ombo Village, Batu District, Batu City.

The Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Batu Agung Sedayu said the six victims were the tenants of the collapsed villa.

"There are six people who are villa tenants, have been taken to Hasta Brata Hospital, Batu City and survived," Agung said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 31.

The six victims consisted of four adults and two children.

The victims, namely Rachel Immanuella Silaban (32), Noviasna Silitonga (60), Tumbur Harianja (34), Raja Romario Silaban (33), Lionel Benjamin Messi Harianja (1.5), Clarissa Gloria Harianja (3).

The collapse of the villa building in the Villa Manzara area occurred at 19.15 WIB, Monday, December 30.

The incident was allegedly due to high intensity rain which caused the erosion of the plengsengan or walls of the villa building to be detained due to clogged waterways at the local location.

"High intensity rain and increased water discharge and clogged drainage caused the water to erode the plengsengan, then resulted in the villa building collapsing," he said.

The incident also caused electric poles and telephone cables to collapse, thus closing road access in the area.

As an effort to handle it, the Batu City BPBD together with related staff carried out security at the scene by installing barriers from the rope to prevent residents from crossing around the scene.

"We are also coordinating to cut off electricity. Then carry out road access cleaning," he said.