KPK Determines Former And Members Of The West Java DPRD As Suspects Of Bribery In Indramayu Assistance Funds

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named a member and former member of the West Java Provincial DPRD as a suspect. Both of them are suspects of bribery in the management of assistance funds for Indramayu Regency for the 2017-2019 Fiscal Year.

The two people named as suspects are members of the West Java Provincial DPRD for the 2014-2019 and 2019-2024 periods Ade Barkah Surahman and member of the West Java Provincial DPRD for the 2014-2019 period Siti Aisyah Tuti Handayani.

"The KPK found sufficient preliminary evidence to suspect the involvement of other parties so that the KPK conducted an investigation again and raised the status of the case to the investigation stage since February 2021 by assigning two people as suspects," said KPK Deputy Chairman Lili Pintauli Siregar in a press conference broadcast on YouTube RI KPK, Thursday, April 15.

In this case, the KPK has examined 26 witnesses from various elements. "Then the KPK investigators detained the two suspects each for the first 20 days starting April 15," said Lili.

"Each of them was detained at the KPK branch detention center, the Red and White House," he added.

This determination is a development of the hand-catching operation (OTT) in October 2019 in Indramayu. At that time, the KPK named four people as suspects, namely the Regent of Indramayu for the 2014-2019 period Supendi; Head of the PUPR Office of Indramayu Omarsyah Regency; Head of the Roads Section at the PUPR Office of Indramayu Regency Wempy Triyono; and Carsa ES which is a private party.

"Currently the four people have been convicted by the Panel of Corruption Eradication Judges and have permanent legal force," he explained.

After that, the KPK then carried out case development. As a result, in August 2020, the anti-corruption commission named another suspect who was a member of the West Java Provincial DPRD for the 2014-2019 period, Abdul Rozaq Muslim.

Returning to the two new suspects appointed by the KPK, Lili said that this case began when Carsa, as a private party, asked Supendi, Omarsyah, and Wempi Triyoso to work on a road improvement and rehabilitation project in Indramayu Regency. The source of funds for this project comes from the West Java Provincial Financial Assistance for the 2017-2019 Fiscal Year.

Next, with the approval given by Carsa, he asked for a list of proposals for submitting financial assistance funds for West Java Province for road improvement activities at the PUPR Office of Indramayu Regency. Furthermore, this proposal was pursued by Ade Barkah who served as Deputy Chairman of the West Java Provincial DPRD and Abdul Rozaq.

"The list was brought by Carsa ES to ARM, which will be forwarded to ABS to choose which roads are priority to be repaired," said Lili.

Subsequently, Carsa received road improvement and rehabilitation work with a project value of IDR 160.9 billion. From there, it was agreed to give a fee of 3 to 5 percent to Abdul Rozaq.

"Then Carsa is also suspected of handing over money to ABS directly with a total of Rp750 million and allegedly giving cash to ARM or through intermediaries totaling around Rp. 9.2 billion," he said.

"The money was then allegedly given to other members of the DPRD of West Java Province, including STAs with a total of Rp1, 050 billion," added Lili.

As a result of their actions, Ade Barkah and Siti Aisyah were then suspected of violating Article 12 letter a or letter b or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.