Update On COVID-19 As Of April 6: The First Time More Than 200 Cases Are Added A Day

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto explained the progress of the case as of Monday, April 6 at 12.00 WIB. There have been an additional 218 positive cases in one day.

On Sunday, April 5, there were 2,273 positive corona virus patients, then today it increased to 2,491 people. The increase in cases today is the highest on record with an increase of more than 200 cases since the announcement of the first cases on March 2.

"The addition of new positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 comes from examinations using the PCR method, not the rapid test. As many as 218 new cases, bringing the total to 2491 cases," said Yuri at a press conference at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday, April 6.

There were an additional eleven cases of patients who died, with a total of 209 people who died per day. As of today, there have been an additional 28 cases of patients who have recovered. The total number of patients recovered was 192 people.

The increasing number of positive cases, Yuri believed, was an illustration that there were still transmission of positive cases of the corona virus without symptoms in the midst of society. However, unfortunately many are not aware because corona virus infection can be without symptoms.

"We are aware that the number of cases is increasing every day because there are still sources of transmission that are difficult for us to detect because some of them are a group of people without symptoms (OTG)," Yuri explained.

"OTG is a person whose body develops a virus and spreads around it through droplets of speech, sneezing and coughing. Meanwhile, the person concerned does not feel that he is sick," he added.

Therefore, Yuri once again emphasized the public to be more active in avoiding COVID-19 transmission by using a mask and washing hands using soapy water, and strongly urged not to go home.

Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force Achmad Yurianto (Special)

In Jakarta

DKI Jakarta is still the province with the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. If you look at the official website of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, corona.jakarta.go.id, today positive cases of COVID-19 in DKI Jakarta have reached 1,268 cases. Of the total cases, as many as 791 patients were hospitalized, 284 were self-isolated at home, 67 people recovered, and 126 people died.

A total of 2,098 people were included in patients under surveillance (PDP), with details of 905 of whom were still undergoing treatment, and 1,193 people had returned home for treatment. Meanwhile, 2,531 people are included as people under monitoring (ODP), with 518 still undergoing the monitoring process and 2013 having been monitored completely.

"As for the health workers who were exposed to 118 positive people, (among them) 20 people recovered and came from 41 hospitals in DKI Jakarta," said the Chairperson of the Jakarta Provincial Government's Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Catur Laswanto.

Based on data entered at the City Park and Forest Service, to date there are 621 bodies whose funeral process uses the COVID-19 procedure. The procedures are carried out, including that the body must be wrapped in plastic, must be buried for less than four hours, and the funeral officers must use personal protective equipment (PPE).

"But, please note the correct one, don't get it wrong, don't get confused. Because the data that died was not completely positive. There are bodies with ODP and PDP status," said Catur.