Yenny Wahid Called PKB Cak Imin Mastered By Oligarchy And Nepotism

JAKARTA - Zanubba Ariffah Chafsoh or known as Yenny Wahid called the National Awakening Party (PKB) under the leadership of Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin showing oligarchy and nepotism.

This was conveyed by spokesperson Yenny Wahid Imron Rosyadi Hamid in response to the internal dynamics of the PKB after the 2021 Branch Deliberation which was deemed to have caused disappointment in regional administrators.

"In our view, PKB under the leadership of Muhaimin Iskandar is increasingly showing an oligarchic and nepotic character which is not healthy for the development of democracy," Imron said as quoted from his written statement, Thursday, April 15.

He then asked all parties, including the internal PKB Central Leadership Council (DPP) and even the elders to remind Cak Imin and his elite circles to return to the early history of the party. "Including Cak Imin's past history in treating Gus Dur in a conflict that is still remembered by the NU people," he said.

Moreover, Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur was not only the founder of PKB but also the grandson of Hadratus Syech Hasyim Asy'ari who was the founder of Nahdatul Ulama. So, what Cak Imin has done is deemed inappropriate.

The elders were also asked to act in order to prevent the perception that they were protecting Cak Imin, who had a dark history against Gus Dur and had a negative impact on the grassroots.

"Collective awareness is needed so that the democratic process in PKB can return to normal," he concluded.