PPK And Panwaslucam Allegedly Meeting The Elected Cabup Situbondo Reported To Bawaslu

JAKARTA - A number of sub-district election committee (PPK) officers and the sub-district electoral supervisory committee (Panwaslucam) allegedly met with the elected regent candidate Situbondo reported to the local Bawaslu.

The reporter, Dondin Maryasa Adam said the allegation refers to ethical violations as the organizer of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections.

"We have reported the meeting of the PPK election organizers with the elected Situbondo regent candidate to Bawaslu, because in our opinion it is unethical during the regional elections to hold a meeting with the regent election contestation participants," said Dondin in Situbondo, Friday, December 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

Election organizers were reported, one of which was the Panarukan District Election Committee (PPK).

The PPK of Panarukan Sub-district has held a meeting with elected regent candidates after the voting stages for the election of the regent and deputy regent of Situbondo in 2024.

"What is clear is that we regret the meeting between the election organizers and the elected regent candidates because this is still a period of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. Of course this is a violation of ethics as an election organizer," said Dondin.

According to information compiled by ANTARA, the meeting was not only attended by PPK ad hoc organizers, but there were also a number of people suspected of being the district election supervisory committee or Panwaslucam.

Head of Bawaslu Situbondo Regency Ahmad Faridl Ma'ruf admitted that he had received reports of alleged ethical violations of the election organizers.

"We have received the report, and today we plan to carry out a plenary session with the Bawaslu commissioner, and then we will send a plenary letter to the reporter whether it meets the formal and material requirements," he said.