This Scaled Exotic Returned To Sampit BKSDA After Residents Found Crossing The Road
The Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of Sampit Resort, East Kotawaringin Regency (Kotim), Central Kalimantan, received a pangolin (Manis javanica) which is a protected wild animal.
"We received a pangolin from the Batuah Village Head, according to his statement this animal was found by residents on the village road," said the BKSDA Commander for Sampit Muriansyah Resort in Sampit, Antara, Sunday, December 22.
Muriansyah said, based on information from the Head of Batuah Sudarno Village, the pangolin was found by residents on the village road on Saturday night. The pangolin is indeed a nocturnal, so it is not surprising that residents find it at night.
The village head who knew the pangolin was one of the animals protected by law and immediately secured the animal, for fear that the animal was sold by residents. Then the village head contacted the BKSDA.
Initially, the Sampit Resort BKSDA intended to pick up the animals the next day, but Sudarno took the initiative to bring the pangolin to Sampit City, as well as visit relatives' residences.
At around 22.00 WIB, the Batuah Village Head brought the ant-eating animal to Sampit City to be handed over to local BKSDA officers. The animal was put in a cage tied behind his motorbike.
On the way, the animal wanted to escape by destroying the cage, but was prevented. At around 23.56 WIB, the animal handover process was carried out between the BKSDA Commander of the Sampit Resort and the Batuah Village Head.
"We express our deepest gratitude to the Head of Batuah Village who worked hard to deliver the pangolin to Sampit. This shows concern and support for efforts to protect protected animals," said Muriansyah.
He said that when viewed from the size of the pangolin that was received, it was still a child and had a weight of two kilograms. From his observations, the condition of the animal looked healthy, active, and no injuries were found.
The animal is currently being secured at the Sampit Resort BKSDA and is planned to be immediately released into the forest in the Kotim area which is considered suitable for the habitat of the animal.
"Wild animals are not allowed to stay in the cage for too long, especially if the condition is good or there are no injuries, because it can cause the animal to be stressed and have an impact on his health," he said.
He added that this pangolin was allegedly forced to leave its habitat due to the increasing number of land clearing and encouraging the animal to find food in other locations.
It is known that some areas of Seranau District are still covered by forests and gardens that are habitat for many wildlife. However, recently the activity of land clearing to land conversion has occurred, one of which is in the western part of Batuah Village.
In fact, rubber plantations that are still productive have been cut down and replaced with palm oil plants which are considered to have higher economic value. Moreover, the current price of rubber is unstable.
On the one hand, his party cannot prohibit residents from managing their land, but on the other hand, BKSDA has a mission to protect protected wildlife, so in this case it hopes for community assistance.
"What the Head of Batuah Village is doing is a very good example and we hope it will be an example for the community. If you find protected animals, it is hoped that they will immediately contact the BKSDA or local officials," said Muriansyah.