Anton Charliyan: Understand The History Of The Spread Of Islam In The Archipelago To Maintain Syiar Integrity
GARUT Former West Java Police Chief, Inspector General Pol (Ret.) Dr. H. Anton Charliyan, who is now known as Abah H. Anton Charliyan, emphasized the importance of understanding the history of the spread of Islam in the archipelago so that no party tries to distort the role of an indigenous cleric. This was conveyed by Abah Anton in a routine recitation themed "Ngaos History of Sarang Budaya Islam Tatar Pasundan" at the Great Mosque of Garut, Saturday, December 21, which was held by PCNU Garut.
In his tausiyah, Abah Anton emphasized that religion and culture in Indonesia must run in harmony. Religion must be a culture. Implementation of Islamic harmony, such as prayer, zakat, and fasting, is not enough just as an obligation, but must become a habit. If this habit continues to be carried out with istiqamah, it will become a culture that is inherent in itself,' he said.
Abah Anton, who is also a big family of Ponpes Suryalaya, reminded the importance of understanding the history of Islam in the archipelago. He highlighted the great role of indigenous scholars in spreading Islamic symbols. "Don't let the role of the Indonesian cleric be forgotten or even eliminated. If we understand history correctly, we will be proud of their struggles," he said.
Anton gave an example of figures such as Pangeran Raketan Sancang from Mount Nagara, Garut, who took part in preaching in Tripoli, North Africa, Syria, and Afghanistan in the 7th century AD. He founded an Islamic syiar center called Padepokan Surat Mandiri on Mount Nagara," he explained.
In addition, Anton also highlighted the role of Kangjeng Sunan Gunung Jati alias Sheikh Syarif Hidayatullah, who is a descendant of the Prophet from his father, King Syarif Abdullah, and his mother, Ratu Rara Santang from Cirebon. "Even though he is a descendant of the Prophet, Sunan Gunung Jati never boasts himself or demands special respect. This is in line with Islamic teachings that judge a person not based on blood or descent, but his piety," said Anton.
Anton quoted the Qur'an as a letter from the Qur'an of the Qur'an, paragraphs 13 and the hadith of the Prophet, which emphasized that the highest degree in God's sight is piety, not lineage. If there are groups that make descendants or races proud, it has deviated from the teachings of Islam. Just leave groups like that,' he concluded.
This study confirms the importance of synergy between culture and religion in people's lives. Anton, who is also known as an anti-tolerant figure and radicalism, closed his tausiyah with the invitation to continue to maintain Islamic values that are in line with the culture of the archipelago.