Ahead Of Christmas And New Year, KPK Reminds Officials To Reject Gratification
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminded officials to refuse gratuities. The commemoration comes ahead of the 2024 Christmas and 2025 new year.
"We urge all state civil servants or ASN, state administrators, and state officials to reject all forms of gratification," said KPK Spokesperson Team Budi Prasetyo to reporters in a written statement, Saturday, December 21.
Budi said this warning was contained in Circular Number 1636/GTF.00.02/01/03/2024. "It is clearly stated that ASN, state administrators, and state officials are good role models for the community," he said.
"For this reason, so as not to make requests, gifts, and acceptance of gratuities in relation to positions or public services given to the community," continued Budi.
If officials cannot refuse gratuities, the KPK said that the report must be carried out immediately. They have 30 working days at the latest since the receipt is made.
Budi said officials must be aware that gratification can have a negative impact. For example, causing conflicts of interest so that there is a criminal risk for those who do not report.
"So if an ASN, state administrator, and state officials have already received gratuities related to positions and are contrary to their obligations or duties, they are required to report to the KPK no later than 30 working days from the date of the gratuity received," he said.
Pelaporan bisa dilakukan secara langsung ke KPK atau melalui Unit Pengendalian Gratifikasi (UPG) di instansi terkait. Jika ingin lebih mudah lagi, penerima bisa mengakses aplikasi Gratifikasi Online (GOL) di tautan https://gol.kpk.go.id ataupun melalui email pelaporan.gratifikasi@kpk.go.id.
"Every gratification report, the KPK will conduct an analysis of the report and determine whether it is a gratuity that is prohibited and belongs to the state or is a gratification, which is legally accepted and belongs to the recipient," concluded Budi.