Gatal's Nose On The Outside Can Be An Indication Of Serious Diseases

YOGYAKARTA - recognitioning your nose may seem like a trivial habit, but behind it there are various possible serious causes.
Itching noses on the outside can be a sign of certain health problems, ranging from allergies to skin infections. This article will discuss in detail various factors that can trigger itching on the nose.
Reporting from the Humanity Research Hospital page, itching on the nose is a condition characterized by a amusement sensation that focuses on the organ responsible for the smell.
Itching on the nose is not a disturbance itself, but a symptom of other disorders.
In addition, itching on the nose can be divided into two types: internal and external. Often the cause of itching in the nose is an allergic reaction (respiratory energy), flu, and in general upper respiratory tract infections such as rinitis and sinusitis can occur with a tenuous sensation in the nose.
Among conditions that can cause itching on the outer surface of the nose there are skin diseases that are causes such as eczema and dermatitis. Symplectic Herpes may also occur inside and outside the nose. Here are the diseases that are often associated with nasal itching:
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Meanwhile, quoted from the Very Well Health page, itching nose can be caused by nasal tumors and brain tumors.
The nasal and paranasal tumors are abnormal network growth. They differ from polyps because they consist of abnormal cells, while the polyp consists of normal cells. The nasal tumor is a tumor that develops in the main nasal channel, while the paranasal tumor occurs in the paranasal sine
In addition, nasal and paranasal tumors are generally not canceric, but some can turn into cancer. The two most common types of nasal cancer are scuamosa cell carcinoma (SCC) and adenocarsinoma. Symptoms of nasal tumor include:
Then, although it may come as a surprise, itching of the nose can be a sign of the presence of a brain tumor. Since the 1970s, scientists in Europe have observed that about one in five people experience a sometimes intense and persistent pririture that is localized in the nostrils.
Further investigation revealed that most tumors are localized in certain parts of the brain called brain stems that regulate many vital functions, including breathing and sneezing.
Another recent study revealed that brain tumors in different parts of the brain trigger cururitus in different parts of the body, including the head and stems of the body.
Although brain stem tumors are rare in adults, the usually violent strain called brain stem glioma accounts for about 15% of all child brain tumors. Symptoms of further brain stem glioma may include:
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