Judging From The Merger Of 2 Ministries, Is Jokowi Afraid Of Reshuffle Of Ministers From Political Parties?

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is rumored to be inaugurating two new ministers, namely the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology and the Minister of Investment this week.

Jokowi will automatically replace the 3 ministers in the previous ministries / institutions. Among them, Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation Bambang Brodjonegoro and Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia.

Until now, it is not clear who will fill the 2 posts of substitute ministerial positions. Only Bahlil Lahadalia is vaguely named as investment minister.

"We'll wait for this week or maybe next week, because usually the president is not slow in making decisions, let alone the ministers have said goodbye," said KSP Expert Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, Wednesday, April 15.

However, the public is still curious about the reason President Jokowi combined two important ministries to form a new ministry. Instead of austerity from the cabinet, Jokowi's move is unfortunate in merging the Ministry of Research and Technology which was very fundamental during this pandemic.

In fact, the DPR RI, which was sent to the presidential surpres, did not know for sure the reason the number one person in Indonesia wanted to liquidate the Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry of Education and Culture. PDIP Faction DPR member Masinton Pasaribu only said that this plan had appeared since last year.

"We see that the President in 2020 has discussed (merging ministries, red) how there is efficiency in the ministry as well as an order for laws such as the investment ministry," Masinton said in a virtual discussion entitled "Cabinet Evaluation and Political Map 2024", Saturday, April 10.

Masinton revealed, in the letter sent to the DPR, it was not stated in detail the reasons why President Jokowi wanted the merger of the 2 ministries. However, the Bamus meeting agreed to approve the proposal being brought to the DPR plenary session.

"The presidential letter does not mention in detail, but based on Law number 39 of 2008 concerning state ministries, the merger, for example, must be approved by the DPR. So because previously in the related commission meeting, Commission X, the discourse had already surfaced," said the member of Commission III of the DPR.

However, Masinton believes that the President will realize the combination of the 2 ministries. However, who leads the ministry is the prerogative of the president.

"So the president will most likely carry out the merger because the DPR has already agreed to the merger, and then the investment ministry has also obtained approval. Later, whether the president will (appoint, red) to fill in, is the president's prerogative," said Masinton.

Political observer Ray Rangkuti suspects the merging of the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) into the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) because President Jokowi does not want to make a scene in the cabinet. Along with his desire to do a reshuffle.

Ray admitted that it was strange with President Joko Widodo's decision to combine the two ministries. This is because the Ministry of Research and Technology is a ministry whose role is urgently needed. Especially during a pandemic like now.

According to Ray, if the President wants to save on ministries or institutions, the state leadership should just abolish the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. Because, the benefits are not too significant.

"For example, there are other ministries that are not needed, let's call it the Ministry of Communication and Information, it is not too significant. There is no effect on the Indonesian nation. If research is clear the basis for its achievements. In technology it must be research-based, especially in the pandemic season like this, research should be intensified. again in order to find the right vaccine, "Ray told VOI, Wednesday, April 15.

"That's why I wonder why Jokowi chose to liquidate the Ministry of Research and Technology compared to the Ministry of Communication and Information," he continued.

The director of the Indonesian Madani Circle (LIMA) suspects that the Ministry of Research and Technology was 'punished' because Jokowi did not want to make a scene in his cabinet. This is because the Minister of Research and Technology Bambang Brodjonegoro is not a political party.

"My guess is why the Minister of Research and Technology was taken by Mr. Jokowi compared to the Minister of Communication and Information, because the Minister of Communication and Information is a cabinet member of the political parties, namely Nasdem. Maybe Jokowi is rather than making noise, it is the minister who will not be rowdy who will be liquidated. In this case the Minister of Research and Technology," he explained.

Then why not Kemendikbud? Ray explained that according to the Ministry Law which is currently led by Nadiem Makarim, there must be in every government.

"Why is the Ministry of Research and Technology not the Ministry of Education and Culture? Because the Ministry of Education and Culture cannot be liquidated because it is regulated by the law that the Ministry of Education and Culture is a necessity. Whoever is the President of the Ministry of Education and Culture must exist. .

"If seen from the urgency, the Ministry of Research and Technology is much more needed than the Ministry of Communication and Information. But why not liquidate it because the party serving is a minister," he said sarcastically.

Regarding the experience of the merger of the two ministries having experienced a failure, Ray considered that it was Jokowi's political risk in making policy.

"That is a risk that must be taken, a political risk that accommodates the political parties that join his coalition. Now, is this the right step for Jokowi? Yes, right because it does not invite political uproar. But is it the right step for this nation? "Obviously this nation needs the Ministry of Research and Technology more than the Ministry of Communication and Information," said Ray Rangkuti.

So who is the right person to lead the Ministry of Education and Culture and Technology?

Ray Rangkuti assessed that Nadiem Makarim would be troubled if he oversaw two ministries at the same time. Namely, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research and Technology if they are merged.

"Nadiem, I think it will be a hassle if it involves taking care of research-related problems. Maybe if the Ministry of Education and Culture can still be handled, but what about the research? Because this is not a job that can be done casually," said Ray.

Filtering public proposals, Ray assessed that there is one figure who is suitable to lead the Ministry of Education and Technology at the same time, namely the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshiddiqie.

"I think the Nadiem figure is not sufficient for these two positions at once or maybe another figure is needed. Yesterday in a discussion held by one of the YouTube channels there was a suggestion that Jimly as one of the figures was raised. I agree that if the Jimly figure, it seems that he is suitable to occupy the position the position if Kemenristek and Kemendikbud are combined, "he explained.

According to Ray, Jimly has experience and a qualified track record in leading a ministry. Apart from the head of the Constitutional Court, Jimly has also been a member of the Presidential Advisory Council. He is also a Professor at the University of Indonesia.

"We all know Jimly's capacity. From his leadership, his track record has a tendency. Because of that, it's true that Jimly should also be looked at to fill a new post, in this case the Minister of Education and Culture and Research," said Ray Rangkuti.

For your information, Jimly Asshiddiqie is the former chairman of the first Constitutional Court (2003-2008). During his leadership in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Jimly was recognized nationally and internationally as a success in building the Constitutional Court into a modern, trustworthy and authoritative constitutional court.

He is also an Indonesian academic who served as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council in 2010. The man who was born in Palembang on April 7, 1956 is a Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia and is also known as an expert in constitutional law.