Rekomendasi Steik Untuk Santapan Saat Natal Dan Tahun Baru
JAKARTA - Delicious food is something that must be available in Christmas and New Year celebrations. One of the recommended foods for this moment is steik.
Such as the year-end special edition steik provided by Sociét\'e, which provides a special culinary experience when eating it. The special edition Steik consists of three variants, all of which use striploin meat.
Chef Product Development Manager of PT. Excelso Multi Rasa Société, Bayu Kris, said that the use of striploin meat on the steik is due to its very soft texture. This will provide a special taste for people who eat it.
"This (striploin broil) if eaten by texture will be softer than other meat, because it has a marble in 13," said Bayu Kris in the Sarinah area, Central Jakarta, on Thursday, December 19, 2024.
The three steic variants are Striploin Blackpaper Sauce, Efficient Steics and Economy combined with black pepper sauce. Then there is Striploin Mushroom Sauce, perfect cooked steik with creamy mushrooms sauce.
Then the last steik menu that was considered special was Balinese Striploin. Balinese Striploin is peppered with base genep, which is the basic spice of Bali.
The most special thing here is Balinese Striploin. Steik is usually done by the salt pepper, yes, if I use the Balinese Striploin, I will marine it using base genep, which in Bali is the most complete spice," he said.
This Steik gives a very authentic taste of Bali. It also creates harmony between traditional spices and premium quality, which gives a delicious taste sensation.
"All the spices enter the base genep, and are stopped the same as the one whose name is Lihat. We highlight Balinese authentics," added Bayu Kris.