Symptoms Of Lambung Acid Rise To The Head And How To Overcome It, Let's Listen!

YOGYAKARTA Symptoms of stomach acid rising to the head can disrupt daily activities, because the pain that arises sometimes feels very strong and makes you feel light.

Please note, stomach acid is a dilute and colorless liquid produced by the glands on the walls of the stomach. The main function is to kill bacteria and digest food.

In abnormal conditions, such as acidic fluids (pH / acidic degree 1-2), this condition can cause acid reflux and cause pain in the upper half of the stomach, nausea and vomiting, and a burning sensation in the heartburn. In addition, symptoms of stomach acid can also rise to the head.

So, what do sufferers feel when symptoms of stomach acid rise to the head? Check out the summary of the information below.

The acidic reflector (the rise of the stomach fluid to the concavity) is indeed related to the appearance of headaches. Headaches caused by stomach acid sometimes feel very strong and make cinyengan.

Symptoms of stomach acid rising to the head can occur due to a strong relationship between the digestive system and the brain.

Refluxes of x-ray acid and causes irritation (GERD) can interfere with the work of the digestive system. Well, this condition can affect brain work so that headaches arise.

In a study published in the journal Environmental Research and Public Health, it was stated that GERD generally occurs in migraine sufferers (third-sided headaches).

This research proves that people who often migraines are more at risk of having acid reflux than people who rarely have headaches.

Generally, the symptoms of stomach acid rising to the head can be recognized through the following signs:

These conditions can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

There are ways you can do to deal with headaches caused by stomach acid. Here are some tips you can try:

If possible, rest in a quiet, comfortable, and dark place in order to reduce the intensity of headaches caused by stomach acid.

Some people find it helpful to lie on the ground and lean their feet against the wall. Avoid various distractions and briefly pleasing your eyes to make your headache disappear.

Giving a cold compress on the forehead can also relieve headaches due to stomach acid. Cold sensations can reduce pain sensation by slowing blood flow to the area of pain in the brain.

In addition, cold compresses can also provide a calming sensation and help you relax more.

The next way to deal with symptoms of stomach acid rising to the head is to consume more water.

This is because headaches can get worse if the body is not well hydrated. For that, you need to maintain fluid intake by consuming runny water and other water-containing foods.

Headaches due to stomach acid can also be overcome by taking stomach acid drugs such as antacid, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors (PPI).

These drugs can help neutralize stomach acid drugs and reduce symptoms of acid reflux, including headaches.

If the headache is not lost after taking stomach acid medication, you can take pain relievers such as paracetamol to relieve the symptoms.

Paracetamol is the main choice to deal with headaches due to stomach acid, because it has no side effects to gastrointestinal.

That's information about the symptoms of stomach acid rising to the head. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.