Can The Bloody Defecation Be Healed Alone? Some Are Cured And Some Need Treatment
YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever had a bloody defecation marked by blood on the feces or feces? This condition can indicate a certain disease or health problem. So can the bloody defecation heal itself?
The presence of blood in the feces during bowel movements does not always cause disease for those who experience it. But it is also necessary to be aware that these conditions can also show more serious problems.
When you know there is blood on your stomach or feces, of course you are worried and confused about what is going on. To be able to handle it properly, you need to know the cause of the bloody defecation that comes out in your dirt or feces.
Actually, there are conditions where blood coming out of the rectum or feces can heal by itself. However, there is also the release of blood as a sign that you are experiencing health problems that need to be treated immediately.
Here are some bloody defecation conditions that can heal by themselves without having to do medical treatment:
Fisura ani is a small wound or tear on the thin mucose layer in the interior of the anus. This condition often occurs due to friction between the anus muscle and large glass or has a hard and dry texture when defecating (BAB).
Hard and large samples are usually caused by constipation or constipation. Most of Ani's fissural cases can recover without requiring treatment. Therefore, if the bloody defecation is caused by ani's fissura, then this condition can usually recover by itself.
Gastroenteritis is a disease in the digestive system characterized by bleeding diarrhea and vomiting. This condition is generally caused by food poisoning. Bacterial infection is the main factor that causes bloody defecation in people with gastroenteritis.
This disease can generally heal by itself in about a week. As symptoms recover, the bloody defecation experienced will usually disappear naturally.
This stadium shows that hemorrhoids are still relatively mild. Symptoms are not very visible because the swelling of blood vessels on the anus bearing occurs on the inside and does not come out through the rectum.
However, this condition can cause bowel movements accompanied by blood. This is due to buildup and blood swelling in the blood vessels. If Ambeien is still in stage stage I, usually the symptoms are not too severe.
Angiodisplasia is an abnormality in blood vessels in the digestive tract which causes narrowing and swelling of blood vessels. This swelling can trigger bleeding, so blood may be seen during bowel movements. This condition can usually heal by itself.
This condition is more common experienced by the elderly because the fragility of blood vessels increases with age. Although it can be influenced by various risk factors from several diseases, bleeding during defecation due to angiodisplasia is generally not accompanied by pain.
Although there are some bloody defecation conditions that can heal by themselves, you also need to be aware of certain diseases. The reason is, several cases of bloody defecation indicate that someone is experiencing a disease or health problem that requires medical treatment.
Here are some bloody defecation diseases that need to be cured immediately:
Polip is abnormal tissue growth in the body. If a polyp appears in the colon or large intestine, this condition can cause bleeding in the rectum. The friction between the intestinal polyp and the surrounding normal tissue can cause tissue peeling which then triggers bleeding and the appearance of blood during bowel movements.
This condition cannot heal on its own. Handling requires medical action, such as surgery to remove polyps or collectomy procedures to remove part of the large intestine.
Cancer is an abnormal tissue growth that can interfere with the function of the surrounding organs because cancer cells develop uncontrollably. One of the signs of recognizable colossal cancer is darkness accompanied by blood.
The treatment of colon cancer is very important not only to treat bleeding during bowel movements, but also to destroy malignant cells and prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.
Diverticular is an abnormal pocket formed at the bottom of the intestine. If this bag experiences infection or inflammation, this condition is called diverticularitis. These two conditions can cause bloody defecation and intense pain. Handling often requires surgery.
In addition, a study published in the World Journal of Surgery in 2011 showed that the four-day consumption of antibiotics can be effective in dealing with infections and inflammation due to diverticularitis.
Stadium III and IV wasir showed a more serious severity. In stage III, the sufferer experienced bloody defecation accompanied by anus pads that came out during his activities and needed to be re-entered manually using his fingers.
Meanwhile, in stage IV, the symptoms that appeared included bleeding feces accompanied by an anus bearings that could not be returned inside even though they had been pushed. Special treatment is needed to cut off blood flow to a swollen area, so that swelling in the blood vessels in the anus can be stopped.
Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai apakah Defut hemor dapat memulih sendiri. Ada beberapa kondisi keluar darah saat baca atau di sifat Anda dapat sembuh dengan sendirinya. Namun ada juga kondisi yang perlu pengobatan atau penanganan medis lebih lanjut. Baca juga penyebab defut keluar darah tapi tidak sakit.