Arie Untung Drag King Salman Bring Stairs To Avoid Riba, Denny Siregar: Learn Bro, Do Not Look Like Instant Noodles

JAKARTA - Celebrity Arie Untung drags saudi King Salman Bin Abdulaziz al-Saud's visit to Indonesia in 2017 to explain the meaning of usury.

According to Arie, King Salman so consistently avoided usury that he brought his own ladder from Saudi Arabia. This was explained by Arie on Daniel Mananta Network's youtube channel a week ago.

Said Arie Untung, usury is like taking advantage of not from his own business. For example, lend someone money but take interest or profit from that loan.

To be clear, Arie then analogized the definition of usury with King Salman's visit to Indonesia. At that time, the Government of Saudi Arabia wanted to provide loans to the Indonesian government. Not wanting to incriminate the government, King Salman took his own ladder from Saudi Arabia when he got off the plane.

"Up to the stairs down he brought from Arabia, because what? Afraid he minjamin money to Indonesia afraid he got sin because pake ladder (Indonesia). He's got his own car, buy your own. Because you don't want a penny of burdensome loaned," said Arie.

On Arie's explanation, social media activist Denny Siregar responded. Denny admits to laughing because Arie Untung's explanation is really funny. The thing about taking a ladder to buy your own car is the operational standard of King Salman.

Not only Indonesia. Every country King Salman visits uses this standard. Why? "Only King Salman and his bodyguards know. This is not about receivables between countries let alone associated with usury," Denny was quoted as saying by VOI from CokroTV channel, Thursday, April 15.

Not only stairs, King Salman also brought chairs to his own television. Two weeks before arriving in Indonesia, King Salman's personal belongings had first been delivered to Indonesia.

"During the visit to Bali King Salman brought his seat for Rp17 billion, including an 80 inch TV. Only King Salman and his bodyguards know," denny explained.

Seeing Arie Untung's explanation, Denny also assessed the depth of Arie diving into Islam is still far away. Not only Arie, his partner in the entertainment world who chose hijrah is also the same.

"For them the point weighs more on religious accessories, pants ngatung, growing beards, koko shirts and even some who wear robes everywhere but when talking about religion, their understanding looks so superficial. They use analogies that are not actually connected to the situation," explained Denny.

Seeking God through religion is like cooking. To get to a good dish on the table, it is necessary to start the process from shopping to the market, eating vegetables, cooking and then eating.

"The process makes food delicious. Likewise, when we seek God through religion, the process is long, deep and will never even be finished,"

"Unlike the seekers of God now. It's like eating instant noodles, it doesn't matter if there is a nutritional intake, which is important to have a full stomach," explained Denny.

Denny then told Arie to learn first before expressing his thoughts to others. "A lot of learning first bro before talking a lot in front of people," said Denny Siregar.