7 Tips For Increasing The Enjoyment Of Sexual Relations According To Sexologists
YOGYAKARTA Knowledge of sexuality is oriented towards the level of pleasure obtained and felt by couples who are committed to doing it. Views and knowledge of sexuality are narrowly affected by performance. Well, according to sexologist totaling Bidtiplatz, Ph.D., here are tips for increasing the pleasure of sexual intercourse.
Self-acceptance and loving your own body, is one of the most obvious lessons. By accepting and loving yourself, according to him, reported by the mbg relationship, Wednesday, December 18, his clients are starting to explore what makes them excited. You can be what you are and keep in mind that good sex is about presence. This means that you are present as a whole, without judging yourself when exploring intimate experiences with your partner.
Switch to focus on yourself to listen carefully to what you want and what your body wants. Including what your fantasy is, how you want to be touched, explore sensitive body points, and realize carefully through the senses. According to Your mind, the slightest change can reveal a new way that you can be aroused.
The key to fun sex is paying attention to sensations. If your mind wanders, return attention to the senses. Like in sensations when touched or touched, scent, to hearing.
When you want to have sex with your partner, for example, don't start before you or your partner are quite aroused. Let sex take place without rush. These tips are quite simple, just need to feel the pleasure of sex slowly and enjoy the sensation. Sayap, enjoy the trip without worrying about the purpose.
Often the best way to connect is to go beyond words. You can pay attention, see, feel with great attention. For example, by looking into your partner's eyes and breathing in rhythm while sitting still. According toLA, good sex is connected. So it's important to keep in touch with your partner.
We often feel hesitant to talk to our partners about what part of ourselves they don't like. This is because they are afraid of being judged or worried about telling your partner what we feel and may be considered to be able to hurt them. When in doubt, we tend to play safe. But to see opportunities for feeling pleasure, start daring to take risks. If you don't try new things or explore a place that has never been touched, it will tend to stagnate and close yourself. This stagnation is dangerous for relationships.
The potential to increase sexual pleasure will be revealed when involved. Doesn't a person always move, shift, and the body? So take risks and express how the touch you want, can help refresh intimate relationships with your partner.
It is important to be aware and have insight into why pleasure is important for your partner's relationship. So, take time for sex and expand your understanding of sex. That way, you also prioritize warm and intimate relationships with your partner.
Emotional and physical push from sexual activity can evoke all kinds of emotions. One of the most important lessons to get the best sexual experience, is to learn how to completely tolerate the feelings of oneself, others, and self-esteem about the feelings of others. That way it can be intensely connected to your partner and through sexual intercourse with your partner can refresh your mind, body, and soul.
Those are the seven tips for increasing sexual pleasure according to sexologists. Tips above, can be used as a reference or help to look back on how quality intimate and physical relationships are with your partner.