What Is The First Step In Broadcasting Songs For Group Vocals? Check The Stages Here!

YOGYAKARTA What is the first step in broadcasting songs for the group's vocals? Check out the explanation in the review below!

In music, song arrangements are defined as a process of changing the composition of music to make it more varied and pleasing to hear, without changing the main melody.

The word arrangement itself comes from the Dutch, which means arrangement, which regulates the composition of music.

Well, the song arrangement for the group's vocals is different from the composition of the music for single singers.

On the group's vocals, song arrangements require careful planning to match the characters of each singer in the group.

In addition, the organization of songs for the group's vocals must also concentrate the gender, type of vocals, and strength (ambitus) of each singer so that the song arranged sounds more harmonious.

Compiled from various sources, the first step in arranging songs for the group's vocals is to look for the main melody or the main melody of the selected song.

By looking for the main melody, you will more easily change the strain of the melody according to the desired arrangement.

Apart from looking for the main melody, there are still several other stages that must be passed in the song arrangement process for the group's vocals, such as:

The next stage or step of the song arrangement for the group's vocals is to find the cord on the selected song.

Chord can be found with the help of musical instruments such as piano and guitar or by looking for one by one from the mp3 or internet that already has a chord.

In the song arrangement for the group's vocals, breaking the sound is something that must be done. For that, each member must have sufficient knowledge of the chords. For example, a song with a basic Do = C tone, then the composition of the notes on the chords is as follows:

After that, a voice breaking can be done with a reference of harmonious tones in accordance with the chords.

At this stage, you have to give every one voice in a different tone. Basically, the principle of giving this tone is the same as when breaking a sound. So, you need to give a tone to each voice to make it more innovative and the song sounds more beautiful.

For example, if the group's vocals are divided into 3 votes, then the tone is available based on the chord which also consists of 3 notes, namely the notes to 1, 3, and 5, such as:

For example, a female group vocals will be made with 3 votes, namely S1 (sopra1), S2 (sopra22), and A (passing). If the main melody is on sopra 1, then sipra 2 and overlap using a tone that has not been used in the chord according to the height of the tone.

In the process of organizing songs for the group's vocals, this stage should not be missed. This improvization incorporates techniques adding some good additional harmony to the song that is arranged.

Some of the elements that can be added to the improvisation stages of the song include, among others, coda, interlude, and others.

When improvising songs, the development of the tone or variation of the tone must continue to run in the same chord.

This is information about the first step in broadcasting songs for the group's vocals. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.