Engine Turns Off, 20 Passengers Of KM Beringin Jaya Evacuated From Halmahera Waters
A total of 20 passengers of the Beringin Jaya Motor Ship (KM) were successfully evacuated by officers from the Class I Port Organizing Unit (UPP) Tobelo after the ship experienced engine failure in the waters of Tolonou Island, North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku.
Head of the UPP Class I Tobelo Office, Saharuddin, explained that officers received information from ship agents related to the incident. KM Beringin Jaya, which sailed from Morotai Island Regency to Tobelo, reportedly suffered engine failure on the way.
"After receiving the report on Monday night, we immediately instructed the captain of the patrol boat KNP.4004, Isak Ferdinandus, to move to the scene according to the coordinates given and carry out assistance," said Saharuddin, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 18.
KM Beringin Jaya was reportedly floating in the waters of Tolonou Island, North Tobelo District, about eight nautical miles from Tobelo Port. The ship experienced engine failure while on its way, so the ship's agent asked UPP Tobelo for help.
"This ship usually arrives at Tobelo Port at 01.00 WIT, but arrived late due to engine failure. We managed to evacuate passengers on Tuesday 17 December at around 09.30 WIT," said Saharuddin.
Prior to the KM Beringin Jaya incident, on Sunday (15/12), the joint SAR team evacuated 192 passengers of KM Alis Mulia who drowned in the waters of Tagalaya Island, North Halmahera Regency, after sailing from East Halmahera Regency.
In that incident, two people were reported dead. Their bodies have been returned to their area of origin for burial, "explained Saharuddin.
UPP Tobelo appealed to all ship operators to ensure that the ship's condition is fit to sail in order to avoid similar incidents in the future.