Prestige Motorcars And BAIC Inaugurate Dealer Network At PIK 2, Offer 3S Service

JAKARTA - PT Prestisius Mitra Otomotif (Prestige Motorcars) has officially become the Authorized Dealer BAIC Indonesia by inaugurating facilities in the Automotive District of Pantai Indah Kapuk 2, Block DH 11, Unit A5.

With the launch of this dealer, the company not only contributes to the development of the national automotive industry, but is also committed to providing a choice of vehicles that can support the needs of the people in the region.

Prestige Motorcars CEO Rudy Salim said his party chose to build a network of dealers for BAIC because this brand has a very good reputation and has had experience for decades since 1958.

"The reason we chose BAIC is that its global reputation is very good with decades of experience in the automotive industry," Rudy said in his remarks at Pantai Indah Kapuk 2, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.

In addition, another reason the company chose BAIC was that the brand offers vehicles that are different from competitive prices in premium classes which are expected to target upper middle class and young families in Indonesia.

"By building a dealer in pik 2, we are targeting the upper middle class and young families in Indonesia," added Rudy.

BAIC Indonesia's Chief Operating Officer, Dhani Yahya, said that the dealer network at PIK 2 is the 7th in the country by not only offering showroom services, but also 3S services such as Sales, Services, and Sparepart.

"This facility is the current 7th dealer network in Indonesia, not only showrooms, but also providing other services," said Dhani.

Just like other BAIC dealer networks, the facility will provide and sell two products, namely BJ40 Plus and X55-II. In addition, the dealer also provides after sales services, namely FREE Service periodic to 80,000 km or 4 years.