Help The State Finances Of This Law With Unlike Valentino Simanjuntak S.H., M.H.

JAKARTA - "Important Info Before Sahur," wrote Valentino Simanjuntak beginning the caption of his Twitter upload, Tuesday morning, April 13. That sentence is followed by a series of other uploads. In essence Valentino throws a warning will report a number of Twitter accounts with the ITE Act. We thought, isn't every legal case costing the state? Let's raise the discourse on this. Perhaps it could be the contemplation of all of us.

This hubbub started from the protests of many people about the style of Valentino 'Jebret' Simanjuntak in hosting a football match. Valentino is considered hyperbolic.

There have been a number of criticisms, in addition to the large number of harsh sentences directed at Valentino. Specifically what Valentino targeted were accounts with that harsh sentence. One of them is a @SiaranBolaLive account.

Valentino was attacked by many netizens for being arrogant, including about how he referred to his bachelor's degree and master of law in the tweet. Our focus is not on the hubbub.

But on how we handle conflicts. Is it because of the state of law that all problems must be resolved in the realm of law?

Perhaps, that's our right, as well as Valentino's as a citizen. But, is there no other consideration? The simplest problem, for example: the cost of a lawsuit. If we think the habit of reporting a little bit doesn't follow any consequences, we're wrong.

The state charges the reporting habit
Supreme Court (Source: Antara)

Parahyangan University criminal law expert Agustinus Pohan highlighted the situation in the community. Many consequences of this habit of reporting each other. One of them is the economic burden. He said all costs in legal cases are entirely state-borne.

There are indeed costs of cases that are usually paid by those who are guilty. But still, "the cost of the case is very cheap. That's at least a few tens of thousands of rupiah," Augustine told VOI, Wednesday, April 14.

And the consequences of that economic burden should be enough to stop the habit of reporting the slightest bit. But, don't forget. It's everyone's responsibility. Including a country that has a lot of homework.

The state should be open about the consequences of financing certain legal matters. It has to be taken into account. Transparency is also needed. The cost of handling the case must be accounted for through public reports.

"If in the American countries that's it. It's so expensive that it weighs on the economy. Because it's a serious matter. It's open. This thing came out how many million dollars. We don't exist."

PN East Jakarta (Source: Antara)

The most monitored case budget at the police level. But it's just a budget. In reality, it often passes a predetermined budget.

"The budget for example to handle one thing is how much. That's the standard. But that's just to budget. Not in reality."

Through the judicial level, the state is also required to rethink the lust for imprisonment. The state needs a more efficient concept of this.

Augustine exemplifies Arizona. The U.S. state modified the prison with bootcamp. Prison buildings replaced tents. In addition, inmates are also used for public works.

"You can choose later. You're going to bootcamp for six months. But he's not in jail. In the tents. Now that's in order to save the state's costs."

Conflict resolution in the country of law
PN Central Jakarta (Source: Antara)

On the public side, admit it, not all of our business matters in the eyes of the law. Trivial issues that we bring into the realm of law are often counterproductive to the embodiment of justice itself.

"People should be aware of how to deal with small things. So as not to overdo it. It's true that this is his need for justice. But it has to be considered efficiency."

After all, don't get caught up with the concept that we live in a country of laws, then all justice must pass through the judiciary for the sake of law enforcement. It's not like that. What needs to be improved is the ability to solve problems on your own.

"How do we teach our society to be able to solve its own problems. Don't go through the police. Don't run out of state money for vanity."

'So it's true he pays taxes but the state also spends a lot of money on those great people. It is true that considerations must exist so that the state, in this case ma should be involved as well. How to deal with those cases."

"People in the village are much better at solving problems. State law? It's not like it's a state of law. Who's happy with law enforcement now? Nothing!"

*Read more information about THE LAW or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabharata.