Rizieq Shihab Ungkit Restunya When Bima Arya Forward Mayor Of Bogor

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab insinuated bima Arya Sugiarto who can serve as Mayor of Bogor can not be separated from his blessing. Rizieq claimed to be the teacher of one of Bima Arya's supporters.

"You know habib Mahdi Assegaf, habib Mahdi is very close to you even your main supporters at the time of the bogor mayoral election and I approve because I am his teacher," Rizieq said in a hearing Tuesday, April 14.

With the network, Rizieq was surprised that there was no effort from Bima Arya to solve the problem at UMMI Bogor Hospital in a familial manner. But justu dragged this issue into the criminal realm.

"It means that you have people close to me, why is this not used as a bridge so you can meet me? But have an extraordinary relationship through your people and we have met at the council taklim habib Mahdi Assegaf why this issue is gone," said Rizieq.

In fact, Rizieq also alluded to another bima arya acquaintance, Muhammad Husni Thamrin. The man known as Habib Tam was recognized by Rizieq as his parents.

"That's also your amazing supporter. Habib Tam is my parents. If you approach Habib Tam, Habib Tam tell me to meet you, do not let me again healthy, again sick I will come to your office," he said.

"Why are these doors not used for us family to solve problems? I can help you, meaning why not make the maximum approach? You said Habib Hanif is good, why don't you take advantage of this family door?" said Rizieq.

Meanwhile, Bima Arya said this problem started from the negligence of UMMI Hospital. Therefore, the COVID-19 Task Force must move and has also tried a family approach.

"Every issue has a context. The context is between the Task Force and Ummi Hospital. I as Kasatgas certainly did not go directly to Habib Rizieq Shihab, but to Ummi who did not do the procedure," bima said.

Tag: rizieq shihab bogor bima arya sugiarto pn jaktim sidang rizieq shihab