There Will Be A Reshuffle, Which Ministers Have The Potential To Be Defended By Jokowi?

JAKARTA - The issue of changing the cabinet became a hot topic after the Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, explained that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will immediately overhaul his cabinet, Tuesday, April 13.

The issue of reshuffling the cabinet has surfaced again after a new nomenclature change, namely the merger of the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) with the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), and the formation of the Ministry of Investment.

There is a merger of ministries and the formation of new ministries, then who are the ministers in Jokowi's cabinet who are threatened to be removed and defended?

Possible Appointed Minister of Investment

The name of the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board Bahlil Lahadalia is widely discussed as the Minister of Investment.

Even so, there is another name that is staying at the position, namely Rosan Roeslani, who is now the General Chair of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

News about Rosan Roeslani occupies a strategic position is not the first time it has rolled. At the end of 2021, Roslani was also rumored to be serving as Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

However, the position fell to Susilo Siswoutomo, who at that time replaced Rudi Rubiandini. This makes Bahlil Lahadalia a strong candidate for the Minister of Investment Indonesian.

A political observer from Al Azhar Indonesia University, Ujang Komarudin, previously explained that Bahlil Lahadalia would “upgrade” to become Minister of Investment and would not give the position to Jokowi's Volunteer group.

According to Ujang, Jokowi will choose professionals or not from political parties. This possibility, according to Ujang, is due to a decrease in public trust in the political parties.

"Yes, there will indeed be battles from Mr. Jokowi's support groups, whether from volunteers, political parties, or people who contributed to Mr. Jokowi who have not been able to get rations", said Ujang.

Besides, according to Ujang, all positions of political parties have now been fulfilled. Several big names had served as ministers and Bahlil came from professional circles.

What is the fate of the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim?

Similar to Bahlil Lahadia, Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbut) Nadiem Makarim comes from a professional or non-political party group.

Having a management consultant and research background as well as a technology company (startup) founder, Nadiem is considered to be retained by Jokowi.

However, the name Nadiem has recently been replaced. Based on a survey of the Indonesian Political Opinion (IPO), Nadiem is at the top of the ranks of ministers who deserve to be replaced after 100 days of the formation of the Indonesia Maju Bekerja Cabinet.

Based on the IPO survey, there are still many people who are dissatisfied with Nadiem's performance during his tenure at the Ministry of Education and Culture.

On the other hand, Nadiem's breakthroughs related to innovation-based education are still considered relevant in Indonesia. Education observer Ina Liem explained if this strategy was right to be implemented in Indonesia in the future.

"This is the right step. This merger also means that research and innovation are accustomed to being carried out before higher education", said Ina in her official statement, Tuesday, April 13.

According to Ina, the concept of Merdeka Belajar is a transformation effort that provides a new color to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. This concept encourages students to be more creative, have character, and have broad insight without diminishing a sense of nationalism.

How was the response of the Minister of Research and Technology Bambang Brodjonegoro?

Regarding the merger of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research and Technology, Minister of Research and Technology Bambang Brodjonegoro admitted that he was sad about this.

Bambang is sad because later the Ministry of Research and Technology will no longer stand-alone and must merge with the Ministry of Education and Culture.

"Personally I feeling bad, feeling sad because I could say that I was the last Minister of Research and Technology because the research and technology ministry is no longer an independent ministry like it used to be", said Bambang, Sunday, April 11.

Regarding several institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Research and Technology (BRIN, LPNK, LIPI, BPPT, BATAN), Bambang admitted that he did not know his future.

"Unfortunately it's a decision that has been taken, I don't know the details later, that's what will take place and I don't know what format BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency) will be, and what will happen to LPNK (Non-ministerial government agencies) it's also hard to guess", Bambang explained.

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