Vlahovic, Cutrone, And Pezzella Recover From COVID-19

JAKARTA - Trio Fiorentina; Patrick Cutrone, German Pezzella, and Dusan Vlahovic have recovered from COVID-19 or the corona virus. This was revealed by the Serie A club with the nickname I Viola on Sunday.

Vlahovic is the first case of COVID-19 in Fiorentina. The attacker revealed in an Instagram post that his fever could at one stage reach 39 degrees Celsius.

Forward Cutrone and defender Pezzella have also contracted the virus, although all three are no longer positive after undergoing a series of tests.

"Fiorentina is pleased to announce that tests have revealed that Patrick Cutrone, German Pezzella and Dusan Vlahovic are no longer positive for COVID-19," the club said in a statement on the Viola Channel.

"We would like to take this opportunity to thank the doctors, nurses and hospitals who continue to care for all who need medical care at this difficult time for Italy and even the rest of the world."

Italy has been devastated during this global health pandemic, with more than 15,000 lives lost in the country.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Fiorentina conducted a fundraising 'Forza e Cuore' which reached the initial target of 500 thousand euros in three days. The money will be used to help buy basic supplies and equipment.

"Fiorentina is working with the ONLUS Careggi foundation and Santa Maria Nuova through the Forza e Cuore campaign, which has so far raised more than 760 thousand euros," Viola announced.

"The money has been used to purchase key materials and equipment to be used in the fight against the pandemic."