Mayor Of Cimahi Asks For IDR3.2 Billion For Kasih Bunda Hospital Permit

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) accused the defunct Cimahi Mayor Ajay M Priyatna of requesting a ration of funds to the owner of Kasih Bunda Hutama Yonathan Hospital amounting to IDR3,297,189,746 to smooth the licensing of the hospital project.

KPK Public Prosecutor Budi Nugraha said Ajay's request constituted 10 percent of the overall contract value of the development. The request for rations is referred to as part of coordination costs related to licensing.

"That the value of the contract for the construction of Building B RSU Kasih Bunda is very large, so the defendant asked for a coordination fee related to licensing of 10 percent of the value of the contract or worth IDR3,297,189,746", said Budi at the Bandung District Court, Bandung City, West Java, reported Antara, Wednesday, April 14.

However, until kpk was arrested and declared as a suspect, Ajay was charged with accepting bribes totaling IDR1,661,250,000 from a number of gifts made gradually.

The gift was allegedly received by Ajay in the period from May 2020 to November 2020. KPK claimed Ajay should allegedly receive a prize in the form of money, so as not to complicate the licensing of the construction of the hospital.

In his indictment, KPK also mentioned Ajay who first sought Hutama Yonathan, after hearing of the development plan at Kasih Bunda Hospital in Cimahi City.

"In 2018, knowing the application for a development permit for Kasih Bunda Hospital, the defendant asked his friend, Dominikus Djoni Hendarto who is the Director of PT Ledino Mandiri Perkasa, to contact and bring him together with Hutama Yonathan", he said.

Finally, Ajay met with Hutama in 2018, in a café and restaurant located on Garuda Street, Bandung City. That's when Ajay was charged with submitting his request or allotment related to the Hutama project.

"In addition to discussing the application for principle permits and IMB development of Kasih Bunda Hospital, the defendant asked Hutama so that the construction work project of Kasih Bunda Hospital could later be carried out by Akhmad Syaikhu who is the recommended entrepreneur of the accused", he said.

The bribery corruption case that ensnared Ajay was threatened criminally in Article 12 letter a law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption crimes jo Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code as the first indictment.

Then charged with Article 12 B of Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning Tipikor jo Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code as the second indictment.