5 How To Use The Right Conditioner To Make Your Hair Soft And Shining
CONDITIONary is a hair care product that is important to maintain moisture and hair health. However, the problem is that there are still many people who are still confused about how to use a conditioner so that the results are maximized.
This article will provide complete guidance on how to use the correct conditioner, so you can get smooth, soft, and shiny hair.
Conditioner is a hair care product that has an important role in maintaining the health and beauty of hair. After we clean the hair with shampoo, the hair's natural protective layer is often lifted.
The conditioner functions to restore moisture and refill the protective layer, so that hair becomes healthier and easier to regulate. Reporting from the Hair page, here are several steps to use a conditioner so that maximum results:
Start shampooing using your favorite shampoo. This step helps remove excess oil, dirt, and buildup of products from your hair and skin.
Then, rinse with warm water and squeeze hair before applying conditioner. If the hair is too wet, the conditioner may not be able to be absorbed effectively.
Next, after squeezing the excess water from your hair, then focus on applying the conditioner in the middle to the ends of the hair.
The number of conditions needed will vary depending on the type, length, and density of your hair. For many people, this is about one or two tablespoons of the product.
The general rules when applying conditioner are a little better, especially for smooth hair owners. Applying too much conditioner can make the hair look limp and oily, so it's best to stick to the recommended use of packaging if in doubt.
Tips: For thick, curly, or extra-long hair, try to divide the hair into some parts in the shower to make sure no parts are missed.
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Take time to gently comb your hair with a sparse finger or comb. Removing tangled while the conditioner is still in the hair can help remove tangledness that can cause damage in the future.
Then for the type of curly and textured hair, choose a wet hair brush or detangling brush for this step. Just make sure not to pull your hair too hard when doing it because the hair is more fragile when it is wet.
In general, you should allow the conditioner to be submerged for about one to three minutes. Thus, each product can have little variation, so check product labels for specific instructions on how long your hair lasts. This is the right time to focus on your body care routine until it's time to rinse.
rinse the conditioner thoroughly using warm water. Try to avoidne with hot water, because it can dry your strands.
In addition, it is important to take the time to rinse every piece of the conditioner that sticks to the hair, because the rest of the product can create hair problems such as oily and limp.
Important: by the time you finish wetting, the slippery and soft texture of the conditioner must completely disappear and leave a smooth and soft hair.
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