In Jakarta You Have To Wear A Mask When Going Out Of The House

JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan issued an appeal No. 9/2020. In it, Anies obliged DKI Jakarta residents to always wear a mask every time they leave the house.

This is done to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Because, based on data on COVID-19 cases in Jakarta on Saturday, April 4 at 18.00 WIB, there were 1,071 positive cases of COVID-19.

In details, the number of patients treated was 696 people. 98 people died. Meanwhile, 58 people who have been declared cured. Then, 219 other positive patients underwent independent isolation.

"The increase in COVID-19 cases in DKI Jakarta Province requires joint steps from each citizen to reduce the potential for transmission between people," said Anies in a statement seen by VOI, Sunday, April 5.

"So, it is hereby appealed to all people in the Province of DKI Jakarta to always wear masks when they are or do activities outside the home, without exception," continued Anies.

Masks that can be used by residents, said Anies, are masks made of cloth that can be washed. The mask should have two layers. Anies said, cloth masks for residents can be bought in general or made by yourself.

"Not buying and using medical masks and realizing that medical masks are prioritized for health workers," said the former Minister of Education and Culture.

Residents are also asked to prioritize staying at home, maintaining a safe distance, washing their hands frequently with soap and carrying out coughing and sneezing etiquette.

For regional administrators such as heads of RT, RW, PKK cadres, and others, Anies asked them to remind residents to always wear masks outside their homes.

"For those who want to help fellow residents, please help by procuring, producing and distributing cloth masks," he said.