3 Couriers 40 Kg Of Methamphetamine In Medan Escaped The Death Penalty

MEDAN - Medan District Court (PN) sentenced 3 couriers carrying 40 kg of methamphetamine.

The three defendants, Wahyudi (48) Hendra Apriyono (27), and Riki Syaputra (24) were sentenced to life imprisonment. The sentence was much lighter than the prosecutor's demand that the defendants be sentenced to death.

In the trial of the panel of judges chaired by Abdul Kadir, the three defendants were found to have violated the criminal code and threatened in article 114 paragraph (2) jo 132 paragraph (1) of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

"Sentence the accused to life imprisonment", said Abdul Kadir.

In the trial, the judge said, it was incriminating for the perpetrator because the defendant did not support the government's program to eradicate drugs. Then, the evidence brought by the accused is quite large.

"That relieves the accused to be polite and forthright", said Abdul Kaidir.

Responding to the judge's verdict, Public Prosecutor (JPU) Chandra Naibaho said it would appeal.

"We must appeal", Naibaho said after the hearing.

Previously in his indictment Wahyudi, Hendra, and Riki Saputra were a group of drug networks Aceh, North Sumatra, and Surabaya. Hendra Apriyono and Wahyudi are residents of Surabaya. Riki is a resident of North Aceh.

The event started on July 15, 2020, at around 21.00 WIB. At that time, Wahyudi was invited by Hendra to be a courier of meth.

Wahyudi was promised a wage of IDR 2 million if he managed to take meth in Medan. To smooth the smuggling, Wahyudi facilitated fake ID cards and Redmi A8 Pro mobile phones.

Next, Hendra went earlier to Medan. He then had Wahyudi communicate with Pablo (wanted)

On Pablo's instructions, the next day Wahyudi went to Medan. He then met Hendra at The Swiss Bell Hotel Medan.

Then on July 18, Pablo contacted Hendra and Wahyudi to pick up the meth at Citra Atsari Inn Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim, Sei Sikambing Village, Medan City.

There, Pablo ordered the two to get meth in a black Toyota Avanza BK 1106 KU. The car was driven by Acehnese named Riki Syaputra and M Rizal.

When the two opened the car, Medan Baru Police officers arrested both of them.

Apparently, before delivering the goods, Riki and Rizal were arrested by the police first. Even. Rizal was shot dead for attempting to fight off officers during an ambush.

From inside the car were found two black backpacks, which contained 40 plastic packs containing 40 kg of methamphetamine.