Newtopia Series Synopsis: Park Jeong Min And BLACKPINK's Jisoo Efforts To Meet In The Midst Of A Zombie Outbreak
JAKARTA - The latest Korean series, Newtopia will be airing soon. This title that one looks forward to pairing Park Jeong Min and BLACKPINK's Jisoo as separate lovers amid the zombie outbreak they are facing.
After releasing several still cuts, Newtopia announced the line of players and its official plot. The latest Still cut also shows a series of scenes that can be watched starting next year.
Here's the full synopsis of the Newtopia series:
Newtopia tells the story of Lee Jae Yoon (Park Jeong Min) who begins his military service at a mature age. He is starting to worry about his future, especially his relationship with Young Joo (Jisoo BLACKPINK).
When Jae Yoon left, they got into a fight and separated. At the same time, a zombie outbreak begins in the middle of the city.
Jae Yoon is required to be a leader for his team in the military, while Young Joo as a new employee at the office has to face the new atmosphere. Young Joo is also annoyed with Jae Yoon who doesn't understand his wishes.
When the outbreak began, Young Joo struggled to meet Jae Yoon and tried to survive. Jae Yoon from the military camp also tried to meet Young Joo and try to get a chance to win his heart once again.
Some of the latest still show Jae Yoon and Young Joo feeling happy but also showing confusion with the zombie attack situation. Jae Yoon looks in the military with his friends looking surprised by what they see in sight.
In addition, Young Joo and his friends are also looking for ways to save themselves from the zombie outbreak.
Newtopia is directed by Yoon Sung-hyun who is known for his films such as Bleak Night and Time to Hunt. This series marks his latest collaboration with Park Jeong Min. The script is adapted from Han Sang Woon's Influenza novel.
The series also stars Kim Jun Han, Im Sung Jae, Kim Chan Hyung, Lee Hak Joo, Kwon Seung Woo, Kim Sang Heun, Tang Jun Sang and so on.
With 8 episodes, the Newtopia series will be released starting February 7, 2025 on Prime Video.