Deputy Regent Of Mimika Brings Good News, COVID-19 Cases In April Period Decreased

JAKARTA - Transmission of COVID-19 cases in Mimika Regency, Papua Province entering the period of April 2021 tends to decrease compared to previous periods.

Deputy Regent of Mimika Johannes Rettob said that based on the local COVID-19 Task Force report, the number of active cases of COVID-19 in Mimika currently remains 312 cases out of a cumulative 5,800 cases.

Most people infected with COVID-19 in Mimika on average show no signs and symptoms or only experience mild symptoms.

"The development of handling COVID-19 cases in Mimika is quite encouraging because currently, findings of new cases tend to decrease. Active patients only 312 people. A total of 5,440 patients recovered from a cumulative 5,800 cases, with the number of patients dying positively confirmed COVID-19 as many as 48 people", said John.

Since March 2020 to date, a total of 55,467 swab specimen samples have been examined. Of these, only 9.56 percent confirmed positive exposure to COVID-19.

Currently, there are three COVID-19 screening facilities in Mimika in the form of PCR machines owned by PT Freeport Indonesia operated by International SOS at Kuala Kencana Clinic, PCR machines owned by Mimika Hospital, and PCR machines owned by Mitra Masyarakat Hospital (RSMM).

Wabup Mimika hopes that residents will adhere to the application of health protocol 5M, namely Wearing masks, Washing hands with soap on running water, Keeping a distance, Avoiding crowds, and Limiting mobilization and interaction.

Learning from previous experience, Deputy Regent of Mimika said, COVID-19 cases will rise again or increase when residents no longer comply or stupid times with the application of health protocol.

"All Mimika residents, especially in Timika City which is a red zone of COVID-19 transmission must strictly adhere to the prokes so that the COVID-19 link can be broken as soon as possible. Now that there is a free COVID-19 vaccine program provided by the government, it is expected that everyone in Mimika who is eligible can follow it because this vaccine is halal and has been proven safe", said John Rettob.